ww getting brown big spots+anther getting curly!!why

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by B.R.M., Jan 15, 2010.

  1. my seedlings are 2 weeks old, im growing in MG potting soil (feeds upto 3 months), the runoff ph is 6.7 and their under 225 actual CFL watt, and im getting brown spots only on my WW, i have anther Caramelicious plant which it leafs get curly.. it seems there is something wrong that makes different effects on each strain, so pls help me out,, i know im using bad soil, but im going to transplant them next week in new homemade soil, at the moment any suggestion

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  2. just get them out of there as quick as you can. I just had a bout with MG time release and there is absolutely no way to fix it other than repotting.
  3. At this early age you can fix anything so your in good shape
    repot into good soil
    then you must adjust your ph to 6.5 before application.

    Ed gave me this chart and you can see how fast shits get out of whack when you get away from 6.5

    Everything has to be ph related for now.

    I hope that helps
  4. #4 B.R.M., Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    when do u guys think its possibale for re potting, they are 2 weeks old and i think there is still enough room for the roots in current pot.. so shall i wait one more week or shall i do it now??

    and how would be the repotting, is it just a bigger pot and the new soil to be srounding the MG soil or i have to clean up the roots
  5. please listen to them about this. You need to repot ASAP or at least do a flush with 3x the amount of water to the container size. I just went through the exact thing that you are experiencing. These guys know EXACTLY what they are talking about.

    Also, once you flush or repot let it sit for a day or two and then feed it some high nitrogen nutes to promote growth. Everything will be ok. What you have right now is nute burn from the MG soil, but once flushed or repotted you WILL need SOME nitrogen to kick start their growth again. Guys feel free to chime in if you think I am wrong about this, but this is exactly what I did and everything seeks to be OK with mine now.
  6. Flushing never helped me. It made the def's go away for a day and then they were slowly creeping back in. Repotting stopped the defs cold.

    repotting shouldnt require more food at first because the new soil will provide nutes for at least 2 weeks.

    I would give your girls a chance to recover from the transplant before trying to feed them again. That MG time release is burning the shit out of your plants and the longer you wait the worse it will get.

    affected leaves will not get beter, that's why it is so important to get them into new soil now.
  7. grrower- sorry but i want to try to learn something about what you are saying. You said that flushing took the def's away for a day or two but as i see it this is not a problem of def's but as a problem of over efficiency i.e nute burn.

    Are you saying that the originating problem that caused the yellowing in the first place was b/c of a def rather than a burn? Or am I just totally misunderstanding the concept of nute burn and that nute burn actually means a deficiency of nutes rather than too much nutes??

    Feel free to reply on my journal to explain this to me. Thanks. Keiko.
  8. I'm not even 100% convinced it's a fert issue with the MG time release but more of a salt issue. I flushed and flushed and flushed my plants time after time. the defs would go away for a single day and come right back.

    Anyone that uses the time release stuff will tell you that a white layer develops on the top of the soil (well anywhere it dries out really). This is salt buildup and it kills plants quick.

    I figure i flushed the plants and they were happy until the time release put all that salt right back into the soil.

    Trying to feed a test plant or two didn't help but foliar feeding some others 1/2 strength made a huge difference. This tells me the plant was locking out nute uptake, rather than having too much. If it was over nuted my leaves should have burnt even faster when sprayed.

    that's my 2 pennies, but regardless that time release soil is shit.

    I started 20 plants in the time release stuff and a week later started 20 in organic without time release. in two and a half weeks the organic plants were just as developed as the week older time release plants. Every single one of the time release seedlings were burnt, yellowing, and starter leaves were about dead. all my organic seedlings look wonderful.
  9. #9 B.R.M., Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    i have changed my reflactions today, i read that aluminum foil will cause burn spots even if you are controlling the temp, so i fixed the other side of gift wrap, i hope this would be the respn, so many ppl r growing in MG with no problems so why should i transplant befor the right time for the roots to fill the pot!! u expert guys should open a hospital for sick plant!! lool:smoking:

    anyhow i also prepaired the soil mix, and did flush it, so in couple of days i think i will be ready to them to move them, or shall i move them now?
  10. PPL are growing decent in MG organic without the nutes... I dont know anyone that is using the time release without a problem.
  11. here is my move, i will keep the plan soil to dry out abit, for transplant.. i will take it of the pot and remove the excess MG soil by shacking it..:rolleyes: then ill keep it in the new soil and then i will water them.. so lets wait till they wake up and move them, if none of you guys stop me:confused:
  12. letting the soil dry out before a transplant is a good idea, IMO. It keeps the rootball more solid. You might run into problems getting rid of excess soil though. Those rootballs develop quick and reach for the bottom of the container first.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  13. oowech it was really a pain in ass process, its like open heart surgery!! the roots were all around the pot, so i could not take off any MG soil, all three Caramelicious plant were very smarts they did not go deep thru the soil much, most of it were around the pot, so they will quickly go into the new soil, but the stupid WW most of its roots got more deep in soil than around the pot which caused more leaf burn.
    anyhow the new soil was very wet, but i had to do it, the last one left i really fucked her up, bcoz i was in hurry to , so any beginner may do the process should do it with breaks:smoking:lool

    i hope they recover soon or die soon,

    thanks grrower for shearing and all u guys,

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  14. guys just wanna update u guys after 1 week since i transplanted with different soil mix, which really turned every thing so pretty, thnx guys for ur advise. especial thnx goes 4 grrower.. ++++++rep

    shall I add Nutes ?

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  15. good to hear they are doing better. DO NOT add nutes yet. they are still recovering from the MG soil and the new soil you added will provide fresh nutes to the plant.

    I'd give them another 2-3 weeks before adding nutes. At that time start with 1/4 strength.
  16. please let me know if these Nutes will be fine!! these are the best things i could get in ma town, so your feed back will be really appreciated and how often do i have to feed them??:confused:

    1. Baby Bio: NPK = 10.6-4.4-1.7
    2.Engrais Universel: NPK = 6-5-5
    3.Engrais Geraniums: NPK = 4-5-6

    1 & 2 are for veg. but which one shall i use??

    im really confused i really dont wanna kill them at this stage

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  17. i would never use those nutrients. and growwer is misleading you a bit 3 weeks of no nutes and u will see defs. like crazy they dont need that long they look to be 1-2 weeks old already i would wait 1.5 weeks tops
  18. im not going to use nutes now, maybe in 2 weeks time,, should i wait till the leafs start getting yellowesh then start to feed them??

    anyhow why these Nutes are no good, i thought i have good ratio of NPK!!! what shall i look for?

    anther question, most of plant gets dropy by end of day time(light on) then when lights get on again they get back in shape!! is that normal or there is something wrong?? they are under 18/6
  19. #19 growerfirst, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    when in veg you want the first number big. when in bloom you want a low first number, high middle, and high last number.

    People on here prefer the fox farm brand in particular the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.

    Also it is recommended, when you plan on flowering, that you continue to add a little grow big till the stretch stops or a couple of week into the flowering process.

    hope this helps.

    edited to add, when you do decide to add the nutes do 1/4 strength of what the container recommends and add them at every other watering.
  20. I agree with getting them outa that MG and transplant... Is it the regular MG or the organic potting soil by MG. The regular MG is a pain to grow with, even if some have good luck with it, when you run into issues you really cant flush because it just releases more of the ferts in the mix.

    The MG organic is ok, but its full of bark and very little perlite...

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