Just moved from Raleigh to Greenville, so I lost all of my smoker friends. So I decided why not just light up and talk to some people on internet.
Welcome brother! I know people in Greenville and Raleigh and visit both cities usually once a month. Greenville gets some nasty headies but for whatever reason you guys get some really good mids for the price there. Why did you move to Greenville? Im reppin Chartown btw. There are tons of NC tokers on Grasscity, check out the NC tokers group
I left NCSU, mainly because I didn't want to keep taking Engineering courses. So, I packed up and moved in with some family so I don't have to pay rent and whatnot instead of paying for an apartment in Raleigh/Cary. Kinda sucks that everyone I know either no longer stays in Greenville or lives in Raleigh, but it's all good right now.
Yo Im in Gwood, bout an hour south of Gville. I got some pretty good connects with high-mids for 5 a g.
If you're close to G-vegas then check out Expressions of Greenville | Facebook. Expressions is a great headshop located downtown here.
hey man whats up nothing much here just been smokeing my brains out latelly I never seen somuch weed here its alllover the place its enough to give the drug unit a hardon lol anyway i lived raleigh for a few months a few years back so i know how it fells to be i in a new place and dont have no hookups but i got to say sanford my home town is loaded with alot of pot i never seen somuch pot here since i been tokeing and i started when i was 17 im 33 now its very strong stuff to when i have some or my uncle our hookup sometimes sticks around and rolls us a nice blunt and gets fried with us have to say between the 3 of us a half blunt is all we can smokes cause its so strong its very heavey high i think its somekind of sativa strain or a stavia indica cross whatever it is its very good we been geting alot of sensi and hydro around here hydro though in town though is very pricy a oz of it goese for 600bucks pricy i know and sensi goese for 50 a 1/4oz thats not tobad for some killer pot especally the strongiest we been smokeing round here its good to have some pot cause this town is so boreing theresnothing to do theres bars around and a poolhall but thats it we dont have no night clubs cause they get closed down asoon as they open up it seems cause of underage drinking all of em was owned by the same person he let underage ppl drink the last one we had there was a major bust didnt want to go there anyway cause it was very rough ppl carryed guns etc and fights were really bad but anyway man ill let you go maybe we can get together someday and burn one have a good one man