
Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Dogma264, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Hello grass city i need your help with my buddys new pipe

    I went to a local headshop in a swapmeet and picked up a Glass pipe that was $12 but i got it for $8 along with a bong for $12 so sweet deal but on the handle of the pipe there are like 3 letters engraved in WTL, the shop had 3 pipes and all had those and i cant figure out what it means?
    The pipe is about 6 inchs all frosted what glass and the WTL is on the handle and thats the only part that can see through it

    well thanks anyways
  2. Lulz :smoke:

    Who knows, could be some small local producer. I have stuff in the LHS here that I haven't seen anywhere else.
  3. "White trash loser"?
  4. I dont know why that would be on a pipe, also im in Pacoima there are next to no white people around here, mostly latinos and the shop owners are a Rasta family straight out of like Haiti

    Ive googled it alot i cant figure it out
  5. It's probably just the initials of whoever made it.
  6. probably some local blower or something.
  7. I have the same pipe and I just say it means, WEED TOKERS LIFE.

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