
Discussion in 'General' started by Sensei Mon 420, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I was chilling in class today when this girl started talking to me about bud. so i get pretty into it all and i mentioned that i smoke by myself a bit... all of a sudden she thinks im some suicidal, depressed person because i smoke by myself?

    i was just wondering if any of you guys enjoy smoking by yourselves. dont get me wrong, i also smoke with my friends too but for some reason, i seem to really enjoy that bowl at midnight by myself. its just so relaxing and chill. i get to explore my mind with no distractions (as corny as that sounds) :cool:
  2. i enjoy smoking alone, im gonna smoke whenever, and if theres people around then cool but if not im gonna smoke just the same
  3. just because some bitch thinks your depressed/suicidal because you smoke alone doesn't mean anything.
  4. If you want to fit into society you have to let them hear what they want to hear

  5. Hell yea. Smoking by myself was always chill as shit. Just like you said, I got to explore my mind without distractions. I hate distractions :mad:
  6. It's common for those that don't smoke, or are new to smoking, to think that people who smoke by themselves have a problem.

    Smoking alone is a very common thing for those that smoke regularly. I'd say 75% of the time I smoke is alone. I smoke with my friends when I see them on the weekends but during the week is usually by myself.
  7. i get high before class
    i get high before work
    i get high before going to bed

    i dont give a fuck
  8. Simply explain it to her like you have to us. It simply helps you sort through things in a semi-meditative setting. :smoke:
  9. I hope you got to explain to her what you told us, or else you'll never get to contribute to the "I just got laid" thread.

  10. Like this Blade said brah, Zu-Bam! :bongin:
  11. hahah its not like im dwelling over this

    its just the first time i have heard that
  12. yeah man if i only smoked around people..i would not toke half as much as i do..and fuck that! she's obviously got a media soured view of weed

  13. What this guy said.
  14. Should of slapped her with your dick.
  15. uhhh

    she just basically said invite her for a smoke session...

  16. yeah word, i think smoking alone is the shit. It depends sometimes i want some company other times i just wanna chill and think and listen to my own music and do my own thing.

  17. well atleast one other person here understands how to get girls.
  18. I smoke alone most of the time actually, mostly because people i hang out with have the stereotypical image of pot.
    Plus when im on my own, when high, i just realise so much more about life and the world :smoke: I just love listening to a bit of classical music, having some food. nothing better.
    And suicidal and depressed? Well i have depression, but it takes my mind off of it when im high :)
  19. Hell yeah man I prefer to smoke alone sometimes. in fact that's one of the beat ways to use MJ, alone.
  20. haha she prob thinks shes a stoner but only smokes when her friends get bud lol

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