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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BigBudLife, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 BigBudLife, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Ok this is fucking weird. Every time I am about to go smoke I have to shit. No matter the fucking time of day, anytime I am preparing the bowl I feel the sudden urge to rush to the bathroom. But I hold it. I go outside. Smoke. And come back in thinking I still have to shit, so I go to the bathroom. Sit on the toilet. And what the fuck. I can't shit. No matter what I can't seem to take a shit high.

    So I have two questions.

    1. Why the fuck do I have the sudden urge to shit when I'm getting ready to smoke?
    2. Why the fuck can't I shit while I'm high?

    And I'm pretty fuckin blazed now. :smoke:
  2. i think your just nervous
  3. That seriously happens to me everytime im about to masturbate.
  4. That happens when your nervous. The same way sum people shake when theyre rolling a joint
  5. Its because your nervous, don't be you will get a different high if you arent nervous.
  6. yeah, what the fuck, even if he is nervous, how is he getting so nervous (from smoking pot) that he has to shit? Like it's undestandable if you saw a bear stand on top of you. Or a pack of fuckin ninjas. not from smoking pot though
  7. Well maybe he's still at home, his parents could be crazy, I know I'm afraid of my dad catching me still, and I'm 18.
  8. idk everytime i smoke a cigarette i have to shit maybe it's because it relaxes you?
  9. Same here, my 1st cigarette/joint of the day sets me up for my 1st shit of the day.. lol
  10. Yea, nicotine is a mild laxative supposedly. I smoked hookah for a few years almost everyday. Now its like once a month. But I started chewing and smoking cigars.
  11. yeah this used to happen to me. its because your nervous just relax and smoke somewhere comfortable, dont think about what your doing as illegal

  12. LMAO!!!!!! hahahahaha damn i dunno if you were being serious or nor but that made me lmao!!!! :hello:
  13. haha thats funny man. Like everyone else said, its because you're nervous. You're not the only one

  14. yeah on xmas i was at my grandperants and like 30 ppl were over and i was rollin in the bathroom and i was shakin the fuckin weed everywhere on the the little oval shag thing .o well, i got the weed for free for a xmas presant
  15. sounds like you have a fucked up problem.
  16. Lol, I've got a friend like that too. . . He always has to shit just before we smoke :)
  17. The lower intestines contain nocotine receptors. When you smoke, you stimulate those receptors which, in turn, promotes blood flow to the area. Blood flow brings oxygen and oxygen creates activity. Lower intestine activity = poo production.

    Consequently, this theory in reverse is why alot of cigarette-withdrawl medication and stop-smoking aids have constipation as a side effect.
  18. hmm very interesting..didnt know that. thanks for the info :)
  19. Tobacco speeds up your digestive system.
    I'd wonder if all smoke does that (marijuana included)
  20. Or... what 4_2_0 said :D

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