i'm in my dorm right now and my FUCKING parents are knocking on our door (we have 2 doors u have 2 open) . holy fuck i had no clue they were coming. they drove all the way down to my university just b/c i don't return their calls. fuck, i feel like a fucking caged bird. they started talking to my RA my roomatetold me(thankfully she doesn't have the keys to open my door) they just won't let me live my life. they call like every fuckin' weekend 25 times(literally) and i think its fucking nuts. i dont need somebody to always check up on me. i'm grown the fuck up, i'm a fucking adult. and my parents wont let me go. fuck this, i have to transfer to a different state and get a new cell phone number. i cant deal with it anymore.
Discuss it with them. I agree young adults need their privacy but you gotta take extra into account if they are paying your way. (I don't know your situation.) Still, that's a lot of calls. Talk with them.
Oh, I remember going through that.... yeah, it sucks but you have to wean them off slowly. That's what I did. I wouldn't just stop talking to them cold turkey, I'd slowly decrease the amount of times I'd answer their calls (they were always just to check in on me, nothing important) until it went to 0 times a week. It works Don't go cold turkey.
Maybe tell them how you feel? Communication is an important thing for a reason. They are probably just proud and a little worried that their little baby is all grown up and going to college, trust me that's a parent's full-time job... And no offense but I'm sure some people would kill to have their parents in their life, so come on, it's not that bad is it? They just love you.
This... You said they drove all the way down there because you didn't return their calls. Obviously they're just worried about you. That's what parents do. Like Aquazero said, a lot of people would kill to have parents that actually care that much. I agree that it's excessive to call 25 times in a weekend, but if you're not answering at all then they're going to keep calling because they're worried. You're their child, of course they're worried. So hey, here's an idea, answer their calls, or at least one of their calls. I call my mom at least once a week, despite the fact that I've lived on my own for nearly 5 years now. Why? Because I love my mom and I know that she misses me and worries about me and enjoys talking to me, and I miss her and enjoy talking to her, too. Maybe make a deal with them, be like "I'll call you once a week to let you know how things are going and that I'm okay, but please give me a heads up before you come to my place so I know that you're coming and can make sure that I'm not busy and that I'll be there when you arrive." Sounds like a good compromise to me.
how hard is it to answer the phukin phone and just tell them you are ok. put your parent's minds at ease... my father and I live in different countries, and we are only able to see each other for maybe 1 or 2 months every a year. we are very close, have a lot of things in common and it sucks that we cant be a bigger part of each others life i know our situations are different, but come on, a 2 min phone talk once or twice a week is not too hard...
you want transfer to another state and change your number too? i hope youre paying for all your college yourself or through scholarships because if not youre basically stealing their money and cutting communication from them. and i also hope the next time you need something from them they dont answer your calls either... have a taste of your own medicine.