wtf... my hair tastes like grapes.

Discussion in 'General' started by rainbowsunshine, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Not like an actual grape, but that artificial grape flavor
    Maybe even more like grape flavored cotton candy.

    I don't know why my hair is even in my mouth, but it tastes good.
  2. AND, I can feel an ingrown eyelash, but I'm scared to pluck it and accidently cause myself to be blind for the rest of days.

    what does YOUR hair taste like?

    'nother side note... I hate being the only one up at 5am.
  3. I'm up! :wave: Although its 12:20 PM over here :)

    Have you been smoking grape blunts? :D My hair isnt long enough, but when it was, it didn't taste like anything in particular. :)
  4. how do you eat it...or how much do you eat to get the taste?

  5. dude.. she's sucking on it

    Edit: that sounded dirty :ey:
  6. you're in the future!!! What happens today? What are the winning lotto numbers??
  7. I guess I'm not "eating it" per se... more like sticking it in my mouth and inhaling through it.. and chewing off my split ends.

    I think a good five inches of hair eating will get you acquired to the taste.
  8. What happens today? This guy named Bencker is gonna be super-duper filthy rich!
  9. I always play the same numbers
    42 35 10 13 9 25

    Mulder's apartment number
    Scully's apartment number
    Mulder's birthday
    My birthday, and Gillian Anderson's daughter's birthday.

    but damn my luck!!!!!! There is no lotto conspiracy behind the x-files and I'm yet to win a single dollar.
  10. yea i hate being up too
    but its 6 on the east coast...

    and Im thinking its gotta be your shampoo thats grape..

    ya poo is bolded
    do you wanna fight about it?


  11. My shampoo smells and tastes like grandma ass.
  12. Been smokin grape dutchies?:yummy:
  13. Man, I wish. I'm at work right now, and the smell of blunts tend to linger WAY too long. My normal co-worker is maternity leave right now. :( She would always smoke with me, now I'm stuck with some fill in that freaks me out.
  14. Mmmm.. I think it's time to chain smoke for 15 min, then make some waffles!
  15. mmmmm....... How does one's hair come to be grape flavoured? You could make millions off this :hello:

    and you're not the only one up... I still got over an hour here at work before I can be blessed with the amazingness of sleep.... :(
  16. Yeah, I'm up... just hit 7am.

    My buddy just got off work and he'll be here in less than 5 with a blunt :smoke:


    My hair is more like... peaches.
  17. #17 leakbro, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
    7 30am here, probably wont be asleep for another two hours or so.

    Who sleeps anymore.
  18. 441am. i should sleep to then wake up and study for finals, but this thread just had me goto 711 and get a grape swisher...MMMmmmMMMMMmmm f**k finals:smoke:
  19. honey dutches are better imo
  20. yeah, it's wierd, acid will definatly do that to ya.

    I never knew you were a wierdo tho. How cool. We get to add another crazy person to our list!

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