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Wtf just happened ABSOLUTE MUST READ

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bungtothehol, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. So me and my crew (4 friends and my bro) were driving around and acting stupid ( bro driving friend in passenger and the other 4 of us piled in the back) so he says stop because he sees one of his buddies houses and he wanted to chill later. (I was almost sure he grew like crazy in this house with his crew/gang or whatever he had, which he was) so he starts walking up to his door which is hardly 10 yards from the street. We see the door open and my crew bro starts walking back to the car. He says he'll be out in a min. So we wait for like 20 freaking min and I told him to start driving because he's not coming, so he goes and knocks on the door again and no one comes. So starts walking back to the car and some guy comes out of no where and just starts absolutely jumping the shit out of him (me my bro and one of mu friends have trained mixed martial arts for 2 years now and im glad we have) so after the dude was put of breath he backed off but still was throwing a punch every few seconds. So by now were standing on the curb telling my bro to just whip the guys ass. Instead he told him he would give him one more chance to stop and go home or wherever. And he turns around and starts yelling at his crew/gang. So while this guy is screaming mid sentence my brother jumps on his back , puts him in a rear naked choke and he just falls face first in the grass. My brother (still scared out of his mind) keeps choking the shit out of this dude. So we go and get him off the black dude and he's just laying there bro. His crew had just started coming out of the neighbors house and we run back to the car and my bro is absolutely panicking. He calls the cops and we didn't even notice. We started hearing sirens and we had 3 oz we just picked up. We got away just before they turned the corner. We were so scared . That was about an hour ago and we're just waiting for the cops to show up. Were so scared.
  3. [​IMG]

    But in all seriousness I read it and I couldn't understand wtf you were talking about.
  4. wow someone got jumped? Never heard of that happening before.
  5. ____________
  6. What the fuck did I just read?
  7. Street fight. Cop called. PANICCCCCCC OMGGG

    but for some dude who just had that happen, you look calm enough to post sht on grasscity :D

    o nvm... an hour ago... I gotta finish my reading...
  8. Yea you got jumped.... thats why i dont deal with sketchy people.

    Its never worth it in the end.
  9. Correct punctuation makes stories easier to read. Just a thought.
  10. Punctuation please!
  11. what? hahaha
  12. must... not... read... wall.. of text...
  13. Is that street slang for blowjobs?
  14. Please use paragraphs next time. Your brother got jumped, dont deal with sketchy people. Why was he in the house for 20 mins?
  15. martial arts? ufc? joe rogan? what?
  16. My head hurts.
  17. Punctuation is for losers. lol I love where he says they have MMA experience, but nobody does shit. And they wait for the guy to be out of breath. And how to do a rear naked choke hold and fall forward? Sounds like dude and his "crew" got punked like some bitches. You had your brothers back.... way back there. And what fucking "Gang members" call cops. Who calls the cops period?
  18. Who cares for one and what does this have to do with smoking for two?

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