Wtf is this? Smiley Face

Discussion in 'Movies' started by ringleader2012, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I sat down to watch a movie because I was bored and I've herd people say 'Smiley Face' is a good stoner movie.. I loved it the whole time and it was actually pretty funny.. but omg.. the ending.. seriously? Wtf is this shit? It totally ruined the whole movie for me and just killed my buzz.. damn.. am I the only one?
  2. How did it end I only saw 10 minutes of it.
  3. Imprisonment
  4. It was okay. I love that movie though!
  5. I gotta say its pretty fuckin' hilarious....but the girls actions on situations EACH time just made you :mad:, like she never had a correct plan....

    And hey, you gotta give us stoners some credit :cool:
  6. LOL she ended up getting hit with a reality check wtf did u think lol u can do hella dumb shit and be happy-go-lucky-stoned all the time? She got some community service and I'm sure she was blazed doing ftw
  7. [quote name='"CaressaRosee"']I gotta say its pretty fuckin' hilarious....but the girls actions on situations EACH time just made you :mad:, like she never had a correct plan....

    And hey, you gotta give us stoners some credit :cool:[/quote]

    The car seen in her car port was pretty accurate .... Haha

  8. That scene made me so angry ahhahaah... hot damn..
  9. At least they made her have a degree in economics. That was a one up for the stoner stereotype.
  10. am I the only one who thought this movie was horrible? i couldn't watch more than 10 min of it. and i tried...twice.
  11. I am 19 minutes into it,and I think that bitch is retarded.I never acted like that,even on shit like acid ha ha.
  12. I did really enjoy the movie till the end to, the ferriswheel scene just really made me unhappy.
  13. I love that movie, everything that girl does is so ridiculous and it certainly helps that she's adorable
  14. I for one seriously can't stand that movie..Or that girl, I didn't even bother watching the whole thing. Normally I will sit through any movie (even if most people don't like a movie, I somehow find good points about them)

    It's just....smiley face sucked big time in my opinion :/ I don't know why.

  15. At first when she just smokes a bowl she acts like a regular stoner but u gotta think.. she ate like 10 fucking THC cupcakes lol I've never eaten edibles before but I'm pretty sure your only supposed to take like 1-2 or your gonna trip HARD like she did lol.. I think it was pretty accurate how she acted when she saw the cop and she was on 10 edibles lol..

    I just hated the ending.. I saw it was made from the producers of harold and kumar so I figured it would be an awesome fun adventure and then everything would work out.. but I guess I was wrong.
  16. lol eh fuck smileyface

    Half baked ^ how high ^
  17. lol, yeah, i saw the trailer and me and my friend thought it would be a good movie, it was good at the first half, but like jane started to falter sort of in our opinion, if it wasn't for the fact that Kumar was there at end, we probably would have stopped watching, hahaha.

    At first we were kinda bummed out that she went to jail and everything, cuz like, what kind of stoner movie had a shitty ending like that, you know what i mean? and then we just agreed that Jane was a really, really stupid stoner anyway, lol.

    O.K. movie i guess
  18. Yeah kind of a downer ending, nice movie though
  19. i read "good stoner movie" and was like wtf... cause i sort of thought this was about the movie smiley:


  20. What in the hell is that lol

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