Wtf is this shit?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Chronz101, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I saw a link in a guide to some stealth grow boxes, and i clicked one site and i read this The web site you are trying to access has been confiscated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As a result of a criminal investigation, the authors of this site were convicted for conspiracy to import and export cannabis seeds, possession of property obtained by crime and for counselling the production of cannabis. " Can they really do this.???>

    the site btw is

  2. I cant even get to the site cuz my antivirus blocks it saying there's a trojan or some shit... but yeah i'm sure if they broke the law and got caught they get shut down
  3. Happened in like 2006. The owner and his wife were busted for selling seeds to the US or something similar. Used to be an awesome place back in the day.
  4. Isnt that what we kinda do here tho? lol

  5. yes, but this is based in the netherlands, and isn't selling seeds to the US
  6. I loved OverGrow
  7. OverGrow was classic!

    I actualy found GrassCity while looking for OverGrow!

  8. Same here,wish the forums here moved like overgrow
  9. First time I learned how to make has with iso was on OG. Also I learned about strains, what hash really is, and why schwag is different from Skunk. How to make a bong... and so on. It's sad they dismantled it. But I thank the gods of every single religion out there for GrassCity, every single day. :hello:
  10. <sigh> I miss OG

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