i had my first successful grow with a half-assed grow room and the buds looked great but now that its dry it, it smells like hay. really bad. it smelt like pot b-4 i dried it wtf happened???
how did you dry it? have you cured it? it will start to smell like that if dried to fast and not cured properly/at all
yea i had the same problem with that for my first two harvests. the problem is its not completly dry yet. except i didnt have a hay smell more like a grassy smell. but leave it out for a coule more days let it dry out completly. dont put it into jars until the branches snap clean. as the previous poster said after its completly dry then u could put it into jars and start the curing process. but dont worry my opinion is just leave some out some out somwhere and forget about it. once u find it again smell it should be smell like some sweet sweet herb.
i just cut the plant down, cut all the fan leaves and the leaves off the buds (do they have a name?) , hung it upside down and had a fan blowing on it for 4 days. i thought curing was just a fancy word for drying.....is there more to it than that? sorry if thats an amateur question but i am an amateur grower.
yea theres alot more involved than just cutting down the plant,thats just the start. but as dry as u think it is 4 days isnt enough to be completly dry. but look around the forums about curing theres plenty information out there just ready to be read. Harvesting and Processing - Grasscity.com Forums let us know how the smoke came out
curing refers to the process of evening the moisture out in the bud after the initial drying. The bud dries faster on the outside than the inside, so you put it into a jar, or other air tight container and the humidity created in the jar will distribute the moisture evenly to all parts of the bud. Be sure to let the jars air out a little each day to get rid of excess moisture and prevent mold. ps. the leaves on the buds are called sweet leaf.