Wtf guys, is this even possible?LMAO!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by drunkenboxer, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Sup guys?
    Its not my first time smoking weed, so I seriously dont know how this happened, possibly cuz my body felt numb, couldnt feel my body, but its funny though!
    I smoked yesterday soooomeee goooood ass shit, weed of course, yeah, but this weed is different mayne, I dont know lol, the smell was maaadnessss!!!
    All I could hear was "zzzzzzzzzzz" weird ass noises, so I fell asleep, I had a dream how few lions were after me and theyre tried to eat me alive lolol, after I woke up, my friend looked at me, and he said "yo, what are you doing, go outside, get some fresh air".
    After I stood up, looked down on the floor and all of sudden I saw water on the floor, I was like "yo, wtf, where did this water come from", my other 3 friends stoop up and they said "hahahahhaa yooo brother, you just peed in your pants hahaha", yeah I really peed in my pants, my pants were all wet that I didnt even realise it, I couldnt feel it lmao lmao lololol.
    "Yo bros, i just peed in my pants, is this shit even possible"?

    I mean...I smoke weed for a long time, this shit never happened to me, its probably cuz my body felt numb, its logical, but still....lolol, what do you guys think?
    Thanks! :) :) weed 4ever, god bless!
  2. well if your story was not bullshit then it is possible ....
  3. Are you asking if it's possible that you pissed yourself?
  4. inb4CSB
  5. Kinda funny but not as funny as you try to make it sound. I believe it though
  6. Naaa bro, the chair was all wet, but lol, its funny though...Im 22 years old, ive only peed in my pants when I was a baby...yeah its because of the weed, it can make a person feel numb, but I was messed up yesterday night, now I got chinese eyes, theyre so small lol...gotta love weed, god bless yall all! :) :)
  7. Yeah man, I mean, this is not my first time smoking weed, started with it 2 years ago, when Im high Im happy you know, I laugh as much as I can, I also talk much, but yesterday night was different lol
  8. Middies high

  9. damn you guys say "yo" a lot. I can't believe you peed your pants from being high!! dude no offense but you sound like a hella N00b

    and this reminds me of something:

    [ame=""]YouTube - "GOO!" Billy Madison[/ame]
  10. i guess its possible but ive never been so fucked up that i pissed myself.
  11. fail, bro.

  12. The person who taped that yt video needs a tv tuner seriously bad! That little kid had some sweet ass hair! lol
  13. [​IMG]

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