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wtf...557 (36 members & 521 guests)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrblunt83, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. only 36 members logged in but there 521 guest...SNOOP MUCH.:wave::eek:
  2. Currently Active Users: 3035 (530 members and 2505 guests)
  3. It's like a real city where a lot of people live but the majority of the population is people visiting.the current guest total is 2490,pretty crazy.

  4. :laughing: that cant be accurate..
  5. This shit blows my mind my high ass just notices lil shit like this daily...makes me wonder are all these ppl closet smokers lol. They browse a mj site but never create an acct...hmmmm make me wonder whos looking in here...
  6. [quote name='"mrblunt83"']This shit blows my mind my high ass just notices lil shit like this daily...makes me wonder are all these ppl closet smokers lol. They browse a mj site but never create an acct...hmmmm make me wonder whos looking in here...[/quote]

    THE FEDS MAN THEY'RE LOOKING FOR GROWS AND MARIJUANA. MAN THE MANS HERE I GOTTA DELETE MY ACCOUNT NOW. (yes caps we're necessary I'm yelling. Also all sarcasm) but for real shit makes you wonder.
  7. those dam trolls ha ha ha.
  8. Because whenever u google shit about weed grasscity pops up so random ppl click on the links..

    aka all the guests.
  9. true thats how i stumbled on this site and decided to join lol:wave:

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