How can this article, BLOWIN' SMOKE be true at all? Its a fact that THC is not water soluble, only soluble in oils, fats, and acids. So how can high times say that the water filters out more THC than anything else in the smoke? Have i been misunderstanding how my bong works?
^ hah that explains a lot. It is also true that trace amount are filtered out, but in reality, its too negligible to even matter.
There was a norml study that claimed the same thing. Just because it doesnt seem logical, doesnt mean its false. If you have good comprehension of the english language you would see it says more thc than anything else. As in it could filter out 2mg of thc per every 1mg of resin. Doesnt mean bongs are ineffective and wont get you high, its just saying more thc is filtered out than any thing else. Even if it is an unnoticeable amount.
I tried telling people this, but alls they can say is "THC is not soluble in water" without giving me proof after I showed them the NORML study.
My best guess is its related to solubility and thermodynamics. Bongs chill the smoke more so than pretty much any smoking device. The colder your solution is( the smoke), the harder it is for things (THC aerosols) to stay suspended in it. The joint wins out in this scenario because it has a greater chance of being room temperature in addition to being the shortest distance the smoke has to travel. That's just what my friends and I thought of after reading the study in question.
Carcinogens are water soluble but hard to identify once in solution. It is possible that they used poor lab skills. I wouldn't trust it but I also wouldn't call it flat out wrong. With a more in depth lab report I would have more information for you. In my humble opinion, they are wrong though.
Paper companies - bongs are ineffective! What happens to the 10% of your joint that burns away when your writing slander on the interwebz?
[quote name='"AfganiKush"']There was a norml study that claimed the same thing. Just because it doesnt seem logical, doesnt mean its false. If you have good comprehension of the english language you would see it says more thc than anything else. As in it could filter out 2mg of thc per every 1mg of resin. Doesnt mean bongs are ineffective and wont get you high, its just saying more thc is filtered out than any thing else. Even if it is an unnoticeable amount.[/quote] and thats why i posted this up on the forum. Because i wanted opinions
This is from the THC Wikipedia article: "An aromatic terpenoid, THC has a very low solubility in water, but good ... " But like I said, Ill always prefer bongs over any other pipe or method of smoking regardless of THCs water solubility
[quote name='"Clay the Hippy"']The point here kids? Drink your bongwater after each use![/quote] Exactly what I was thinking! Who wants the first sip?!