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Writing your highdeas down

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The_J0ker, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. When baked, anyone else feel like it's hard to have a stream of consciousness while writing (typing)? Like you know what you're trying to say but you can't find the right words to convey it? It's frustrating as hell... when I speak it just flows naturally and I don't even know what I'm gonna say next until the words come out my mouth, but they are always right. I can even spit the sickest freestyles while baked. However, I can't think of something, then write it down and go back into that same train of thought - especially when high. My mind just doesn't work like that. Can anyone relate to this? Does anyone else even bother recording philosophical essays/insights?

    p.s. - I'm probably gonna purchase a taping device so I can record on the spot. :)
  2. sounds like a great idea. I know exactly what you mean, the things I come up with when high are crazy.
  3. yuuup. I use to have to drive 20 minutes to work everyday, so I'd have at least 40 minutes of driving a day. I alwayyyys use to freestyle to whatever track was on the radio and sometimes had rhymes that were pretty damn fly. But everytime I sit down and turn on an instrumental and try to write rhymes I can never do it. kinda sucks
  4. #4 The_J0ker, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011

    Yeah. It's probably because you have to use a different part of your brain when writing than when your purely thinking of something to say. When you speak the idea goes straight from your consciousness to mouth, but when you write it you have to think about how'll you'll phrase it, and when you're writing one thing you can't focus on another - at least not entirely. So it throws off your STREAM of consciousness. the consciousness is no longer a stream, but a bunch of shallow puddles on the sidewalk. Puddles of consciousness! Brilliant :bongin:
  5. it sounds like you're as high as a giraffes asshole right now
  6. you just need to smoke more and you'll understand:smoke:

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