Wow.. you know you're blazed when..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mitchy, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. you make a sandwich, put mustard on it and take the sandwich and the mustard upstairs thinking the mustard is ur drink :(

  2. haha good story

    you know your stoned when the search function is just to complicated to operate
  3. Been there for sure..
  4. There's already a thread like this :wave:

    But, you know your blazed when you realize that you have been watching a TV show in Spanish for 10 minutes.
  5. Do this all the time... I hardly ever notice its in another language... weird.
  6. If I get high enough sometimes I can understand them...
  7. When you watch the tv on mute without realizing it. :rolleyes:
  8. lol when every time a commercial comes on you think "wtf am i watching" but wait it out anyways because you know its gotta be good or you wouldnt be watching it.
  9. You know you're blazed when you ware watching t.v. and commercials come and you feel like they are 30 minutes long when their are 30 seconds.

    Also, when you watch the food network not for the food but to see that hot Italian cook with the ginormous boobs.
  10. I love those moments.
    I did it with the band Korpiklanni and Gypsy Kings.:D

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