Wow, This was a fun day.

Discussion in 'General' started by Clairvoyant, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Man, I took 4 hydrocodins in school today, was possibly the best time I've ever had in school. Lot of my friends that don't know I do this kinda shit asked wtf was wrong with me, becuase I was like pulling at there ears and aaying stuff I'd never say.

    Anyone else tried Hydrocodin at school?
  2. Oh yah bro... The first time I did a pill I went fucked up on hydrocodone at school. I was a weak ass back then with it, so 10mg made forget a lot. I always thought you could die from that shit easily.... but then I started getting them a lot. Fucking 2 7.5s and 3 10s..... Smoke a bunch of pot... I love that warm and fuzzy feeling.

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