Wow, seriously?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by piepgras, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Why do prohibitionists think that once people smoke pot they go out of their mind with sexual desire and start raping anything in site? When I smoke it makes me realize how abominable such actions truly are. Has anybody ever smoked cannabis and then had the urge to hurt somebody? In fact sometimes I do want to hurt people, then I have some cannabis and realize that hurting anybody for any reason is clearly wrong. I have never met any of these rapey, murdery, stoners these fucknuts keep talking about.
  2. You don't realize it before getting high? :D
  3. This article seems like it was written by a ten year old, its pathetic.
  4. Of course I do. But everything in the world that's bad seems 10 times worse while high and it's all a product of people not unlike these prohibitionists. People who desire greatly to force their own wills on to others. "WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST LIKE THE THINGS I LIKE AND NOTHING ELSE!?" That's what prohibitionists sound like to me.
  5. So much misinformation it hurts. I stopped reading after their comments about LSD flashbacks.
  6. personally i want weed to be partially legalized like you're aloud to grow 2 plants on one property, you're aloud to smoke in your own home etc, etc because if it becomes a commercial crutch like tobacco we won't want to smoke it. You know that sorta spiritual sorta connection you get with your dealer, well maybe not but dealing and growing gives the average 9-5 person a bit of extra cash. But if cannabis were to be legalized it would become this monster industry and the joys of growing your own plants will be gone because why would you want to when you could go to liquor store and buy a pouch of super skunk grown in optimum conditions that's alot more potent then your homegrown stuff. i personally think cannabis will lose it's magic it'll become 'hip' to smoke, all the celebrities will be seen smoking pot and no one will know ganja's true use to let you chill out, feel better and just think half stri=aight in this messed up world. i probably sound like a whinging bitch, but hey i'll be extremely happy to eat my words if i have to.:D
  7. Not everyone's a hipster.

    "Ohh blah blah blah is too mainstream now; now I have to find something that isn't popular to do."

    Some people have habits that don't rely on other people's opinions and actions. Of course it will get more people to smoke, and it will be commercialized. You can still grow your own. I can sort of understand where you're coming from but really, is buying pot from a dealer that "magical?" You know what would be more magical? How about going to a store; you look at their pot wall or pot-under-glass and see all the different packaging, the different types of pot: pure indica, pure sativa, AK47, etc., and don't forget all the edibles. They'll make everything with pot in it from pot brownies to pot pizza.

    You know what ELSE would be magical? The prices: after taxes pot should sell for no more than 100 dollars an ounce. That's today's schwag prices you'll be paying for dank.
  8. I'd much rather smoke marijuana than whatever that author is smoking. Check out this little grammatical gem:

    "Smoking marijuana and driving, is the same if not worse then drunk driving, because of impaired motor skills. No big deal, right? Well if you are a family coming home from church, you might, because in a blink of an eye, you could all be hit and killed by an impaired driver."

    Let me quote part of that one to break this down: "Well if you are a family coming home from church, you might.." ...might...what? She needs to go back to school and learn what a verb is, then she needs to learn how to use it in a sentence.

  9. And since when does cannabis impair motor skills? News to me.
  10. #11 urn man, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010

    I really dislike your post man. I hate going to my dealer to buy weed, nothing magical about chancing getting arrested. And I would continue to grow my own, just because thats whats magical. Just like growing your own tomatoes and peppers, or brewing your own drink. Its original, its from the heart, its better. And its almost allready hip to never been in highschool? or seen crap like grandmas boy? lol. The fact that its illegal probably makes it more hip. You dont see kids going crazy over coffee, kava kava, or any other legal drug.
  11. Notice how the pro-marijuana crowd seems to be a million times smarter then the stubborn anti-marijuana crowd?
  12. Bullcrap, bullcrap, bullcrap. I said my piece on there (Blakidz) no need to say it here.

    I also just finished reading "Marijuana is safer, so why are we driving people to drink" so now most of my arguments are about that...haha.
  13. LOL, at least the people commenting on the article are ripping the author a new asshole.
  14. Dude, don't even let things like this piss you off.

    The article reeks of ignorance. Not even worth it if you ask me :cool:
  15. #16 pearl75, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010

    "I'm totally glad I dipped in your ink, bro!"

  16. This is a slanted statement, most smokers are far more knowledgeable about the topic than non smokers. BUT people spewing ideas about subjects they have no knowledge of is pretty much what the world runs on now.
  17. i know where you's are coming from hating my post but doesn't anyone think that if marijuana becomes a commercial industry that they'll pump it full of chemicals to make it 'safer'. I want weed to be legalized but not commercialized, coffee shops would be good but i don't want companys growing acres of weed just for profit.
  18. that link is a fail. the author has no idea what he/she is talking about. marijuana should be legalized or at the very least decriminalized. smoking a natural plant should not be a criminal matter. governments are ridiculous that they even made it illegal in the first place.:smoke:
  19. yeah i know what you mean man. they grow tobacco with massive amounts of pesticide. there's even rat poison in tobacco. i cant help but think they'd do something unhealthy like that if weed was legalized and commercialized

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