wow! rant.

Discussion in 'General' started by sensimil, Aug 16, 2002.

  1. hi my name is sensimil and I have a problem. Im addicted to post on First, I think I may have ADD. actually i really think I do. so I go from one thing to another without finishing or doing what I really intended or just sit around and just let my mind wonder about how the clouds would like right now, so then I go outside and its so warm out there so i wanna stay and sit on the deck for a while, but i cant hear the music from inside playing Jimi's little i go back in to hear the most amazing guitar riff better than ever cause in sooo lifted, but i still cant see the i just lay for a lil bit and close my eyes..let my mind wander..but then I come back here and check out things..
    this time, this relaxing relax time I feel like i cant just damn relax. I am though, dont get me wrong.
  2. ...I'm gonna get you high today. It's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do!:smoking:

    ~cover the earth~

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  3. can i just use this thread to post? i mean Ill just keep coming here and anyone else can please join in..or you can just keep checking in once in a know, oh yeah sensimil is still ranting in there...everythings ok...I was about to swear to nothing about something I just forgot anyway.
  4. Im just keeping this thread alive!
  5. well sensimil have fun, keep on ranting i'll keep coming back to check up on ya.
  6. Just do your thing sensimil and have a good time doing it.
  7. Ferchristsake! Just don't break anything!!!
  8. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, break? like bones? um...
  9. Forget your bones! Watch out for my expensive china!
  10. ah i see said the blind man. to the deaf dog.

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  11. first and one of the highest ranking ranters around here, i welcom you to the club...and well...i guess the introduction didnt mean anything..cuz there isnt anything else to say.....

    jimi hendrix-castles made of sand.....great song!!..wahoo..i need to be stoned
  12. aaaaw. thanks I was just in another post and hey YOUr name came up about hey, namrom, how bout another rant?! I was pretty impressed and tthen I come here and see your grascious welcome to the world of rant. gotta love it when your mind slips on the soap
  13. which one was ya lookin at?
  14. i broke out the prefect chopper tonight..the box said it makes perfect salsa, so i tried to make perfect salsa. it was less than prefect although i must admit it does do a pretty decent job of chopping.

    ::chop chop chop::

    you just have to rotate the crank faster than the handle can take. so you have to hold it down. and if you forget the spout guard all your shit flies out all over the counter.
    and if you forget to remove the spout guard before you try to remove the top, it gets pinched and flies across the room under the fridge. the tomatoes were liquified before the onions were close to being fully chopped. so i had foamy salsa from whipping too much air into the tomato juice.
  15. put the tomatoes in last

  16. ah, that would seeeem like the reasonable thing to'd think...haha
  17. not stoned..nor do i have cigs...but i will try

    by the way..i love the av sensi
  18. thnx. I had to change things up a bit.. I wont be jumping from anywhere for a while...soo..I thought Id bring a lil bit of my deep dark other side to the city. hehe

    ed: i see youve compromised ;)
  19. yep i did, and i also read that you didnt really have that much of a choice to change it, lmao

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