This is where you can put stories of when u were really really high and doing something stupid and you just realize, Wow.. I'm really stoned. haha. So here's one of mine. About 4 years ago when I was a freshman in high school it was still my first couple months of smoking. It was 420 so i was with a couple friends and we all pitched in to buy a QP well we got it and it was around 8am and we started smoking. by the time 3 hours went by we just got about a little over a 7 grams smoked. we were really baked. So we got this awesome idea, to make brownies! haha. Well we walked to the dollar general down the street. Got some brownie mix and got back. well none of us has ever cooked brownies. or any edible. we didn't. know about cannabutter and all that haha. so we mixed it all up how it says and when it was ready to be poured in the pan to go in the oven we put 14g of our weed in it. then we could'nt find a pan. So we substituted one for a pizza pan and we were like ok these are just gonna be really flat delicious brownies! so we smeared it on the pizza pan and put it in the oven. while it was cooking we smoked another bowl. suddenly the oven started smoking. so we opened it and it was burning so we got it out, so excited for delicious brownies. let them cool and cut them up. when we picked our piece up it felt literally like a 1/4 piece of chunky rubber and smelt like shit. I took a bite and i was like wow. were wayyy to high to be cooking. LMAO