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wow i didnt expect that.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokerr, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. i always thought i sucked at math high cuz im always bad at math class when i go stoned. but i decided to smoke with my buddy 10 minutes before our math midtern(geometry) and i gotta say it went well. i was calm, relaxed, and tbh a little paranoid but that went away after 10 minutes or so. overall, i liked it, it was a fun experience. but the only negative was it seemed the test took FOREVER. it just wouldnt end but i finished it all and thn i smoke again after the test. i had a good day today guys. have a good one :smoke:
  2. id have to say im quite the opposite, i can bang out a math test easy sober, but it takes me almost 2 times longer when im high
  3. I find that im better at subjects when high if i enjoy them. But if i attempted maths (which i hate) when high then it would just go tits up haha.
  4. Stopped doing Maths a couple years ago, and only started smoking beginning of last year so i never had that oppotunity.
    But i smoke for writers block all the time, turns enthusiasm into material for me :) Love it!:smoke:
  5. You'll find out how good of a day it was when you get that grade back....

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