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Would you use this as a primary grinder?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by medicinaltoker, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. I would because it is a grinder... I have a pollen box so I don't need a screen'd grinder.
  2. No, I have the exact same one and it doesnt do a very good job grinding. It just kind of quarters it. If you like that kind of cut then go for it. I personally like grinded weed. Bought a 3 part grinder that gives you both in different compartments as well as collects kief from GC for £8
  3. Nah, go to your LHS and try to haggle for something better. Go with friends who are picking up glass, attachments, or grinders and you can usually get huge discounts on grinders.

    I went in with a buddy who was buying some glass and they threw in 4 pc Got Vape Titanium Grinder 50mm on Sale for like $20
  4. No, I would not. ped grinders do not grind the weed, they rip and pull at it. I would like something much more complex than this... I might post a video up of all my paraphernalia
  5. Shit..I bought this piece of crap..anyone looking to buy? Lol
  6. if that is your first grinder, then it should do you just fine.
    you dont have to start out with the best of the best equipment.

    after you use it, youll realize what you expect out of the next grinder in terms of quality.

    but a pollen box is the best choice.
    so keep that in mind

  7. haha. You are supposed to post threads and read reviews BEFORE buying stuff.
    Live n learn.

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