Kinda sounds like taxpayers are funding some people's drinking problem to me. I might have to sign up for that shit and get some free drank.
Sure. This is like a certain type of euthanasia, and I support that. I mean, just look at the way those guys where drinking. There's no way you're gonna make past 60 chugging straight Everclear. Now imagine if we did this with 'gateway drugs'.
yea some alcoholics just wont stop drinking then what do you do with them? this is the only rational choice
Waste of taxpayers money.. its all mental. Some peoples rock bottom is the first time they're fired for drinking, some people rock bottom is their 10th near death experience under a cold bridge.. this is enabling at its finest..
I'm all for entitlement programs that help the average American, but this is not a rehab and these people are not getting help. We're paying for their addiction.
Most esteemed addiction psychologists say that serious addicts will HAVE to hit rock bottom before they decide to get help. A wet house is not rock bottom. There are free rehabs these people can choose to get help at.
The state should always provide people shelter and rehab. Any doctor can tell you this isnt rehab. These people arent even trying, theyre getting plastered at 10 am and theyre blowing they weekly cash as soon as they get it. its ENABLING.
Ya I don't like this either. I think there should be more rehabs, and like others have said...this ain't rehab. It's like well I have a problem but I'm never going to get over it so I will sit here and die. Listen you have a problem, a disease if you will, you don't have terminal cancer. go to rehab and fix your self. People like this give drug users a bad name for fucks sake
Hell fucking yes I would. I read an article on this today, and by several measures this reduces the average street alcoholic's costs by a hefty amount. Guess what, these same people are draining the tax system as it is, so let's not go that route. These places don't just take any regular person in, the people that enter these places are hopeless alcoholics that have nowhere else to go. They aren't fucking going on college campuses and handing out pamphlets. Of all the places where I'd expect to see harm reduction support, it isn't here? At St. Paul 'wet house,' liquor can be their life -- and death - If you would like to read a well-informed article that demonstrates some of the benefits of these wet houses.
<sarcasm> now now, alcohol is perfectly legal, never harmed anyone, its so safe...even our esteemed rulers in DC use the drug daily, at work, anywhere they desire...because its ok in their wallets opinion... </sarcasm>
Things like this should be paid for voluntarily. On your W-2 form, or whatever, you should be able to check a box for all the various charities you want your income to go towards... "Wet house" being one of them.
I never people would actually prefer to drink . . . . . . mouthwash? I support wethouses though, they seem like a good idea.