Would you smoke with your parents/kids?

Discussion in 'General' started by Steelerfan83, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. #21 snake666, Aug 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2008

    haha what? weed is not "good" for you, and yes there are negatives about it, but the negatives are nothing close to any other substances

    if i knew where my mom even lived i know for a fact she would smoke with me, but my dad on the other hand would never smoke, he doesnt even drink, not even socially like a glass of wine at a wedding or anything

    as far as when i have kids, i personally dont want them to smoke weed, sure its not the worst thing, but generally speaking your better off not fucking with any drugs period, sure weed might not cause them any problems or lead them to use other drugs, but them not smoking weed will for sure make sure it doesnt cause a problem ya know? i just want my kids to be as successful as possible when i have some, and weed could potentially hinder that success, cuz if they turn out anything like me, weed will instnatly lead to all kinds of other drugs and they'll be fucked.. my mom is a drug addict so i'm sure that i picked up the traits from her, so theres a good chance my kids will pickup the same traits

    but if they do decide to smoke, i only want them to smoke at home, bring ur friends over to smoke or whatever, but dont get arrested and ruin your life cuz of somethin stupid like weed, if you have any posession charges you cant get financial aid for college, n i'm not sure i'll be able to cover their college costs so that FA is damn important

    and quite honestly the majority of people who are potheads when their young dont remain potheads their whole life, people generally "growup" and have more important priorities, although a decent amount of adults are potheads, but not nearly as much as young people. i'm 21 n i'm no longer a pothead, i used to smoke everyday, but i kinda just grew out of it the last year, not worth it anymore to me
  2. I will smoke with my kids when they reach a certain maturity level. Age is inconsequential.

    I will let them smoke in my home, and will prefer it that way so they don't get in trouble. I will probably grow by that time.
  3. I'd love to smoke with my mom, but she won't smoke :( But she'll never turn down a contact buzz tho, haha.

    I do think I will smoke with my children when they are older and mature enough to understand it. I don't want them to get sucked into all the propaganda and I would rather them be safe about it with me than smoking with Joe Blow off the street who has ill intentions.
  4. I'll smoke with my kids once I find their stash. I'll confront them about it and act like I'm extremely angry and disappointed. I'll talk about sending them to military school, and then I'll just be like "nah I was kidding let's smoke this blunt right here".
  5. This is fucking awesome.

    If I were feeling extravagant...

    If I found their bag... and like it kept getting smaller, I would take from my bag and ADD MORE, like if they smoke a bowl and you notice a little bit is gone, add twice as much so they feel like they've got the magic bag.

    And then one day just take the whole thing and smoke it for yourself.

    Or something. I don't know. I would think of it when it came to it.
  6. My mom ate some brownies that my friend and I made once. Took it to work even and ate it on her break. Muahahaha. My dad on the other hand, he's an alcoholic and he has trouble taking criticism, so when he asked to hit the bowl and couldn't figure out what to do it kind of turned sour. You'd think if you've "been around the world" you'd know how to hit a spoon.

    I've thought about it and I think if and when I have kids I will be the one to introduce them to the herb. There's too much ignorance out there, so I don't care what others think, I'd rather tell them the facts straight up so they can avoid all the BS.:wave:

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