- 12 month lease - Huge 4 bedroom house in a good neighborhood but a conservative one as well - Lease specifically states tenants cannot consume, possess and/or grow. - Current tenants do not use cannabis but said they won't mind as long as I keep it outside - Rent is only $300/month Basically the price is right, current roommates seem cool but by me agreeing to smoke only outside, I feel like I am saying what I am doing is wrong, which we all know is complete BS since these roommates have trophy bottles on their fridge... Thoughts?
If weed didnt smell they probably wouldnt care..sounds like a good deal to me just find a good smoking spot outside or eat edibles
The house is a rental. $1,200/month with 4 bedrooms. 12/4 = 3! My main concerns are sacrificing my morals by smoking outside only. I don't think it's fair they can drink like a fish inside but smoking cannabis shuns me outside. Second, if the landlord ever found out, I could be evicted like without notice. When I said this neighborhood was conservative, I was not joking (Romney voters).
Dude drinking dosnt smell, its nothing to do about morals. They dont want their house to smell of your weed? weird
If your roommates are partiers and you'll have your own room, then why can't you just blaze in there with a window open? If your careful likely no one will smell it
I thought you was renting the house on your own or with mates, if you are sharing with people that already live there then you have to respect the other people.
I would not pass up that deal. Especially with what the housing market in Colorado will look like by summer. Smoking outside is seriously not as big of an issue as some people here make it. Yeah, it's cold sometimes. But how long does it take to smoke a bowl? Trying to smoke a 45 minute blunt? Well smoke a bowl instead.
Get a vape and stay indoors? I don't blame them for wanting you to smoke outside. It's probably nothing to do with cannabis, just they don't want smoke in their house. Although I wouldn't see the big deal if you just smoked in your own room...
I agree with this... I know a few people who smoke weed and some who don't, and they do not allow it inside their house for the simple reason that its smoke. While its not as bad as cigarettes it can be noticeable after a period of time! I have a vape and its a great device for indoor marijuana usage... mine is currently rigged up to a bong
Yeah vaporizor is the way to go. I live at home with my parents and sometimes vape all day in my room, and they are none the wiser.
do you really want to live somewhere where you you might get evicted doing what you are legally allowed to do? and do you want to be surrounded but a bunch of people dumb enough to vote for romney?
Update Smoked a bowl after I created the thread and realized how shitty it would be if I had to smoke ONLY outside. Also, realized why not surround myself with like-minded people, especially if I have to sign a lease. I mean yeah it might take a little longer to find another place but probably worth it in the long-run.