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Would you sign this if youre 18 yrs old?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bztorres, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. I'm not sure what I should do, whether to shit on it or stick it up the principals ass. But in all seriousness. Can he legally do this? He tried to rush me into signing it. Seems kind of sketchy. But I told him I was going to go home and look it over with my mom and that I would get back to him. What does the grasscity community think about this? & what would you do?

    Replace all empty spaces with "the student" and "the "highschool" ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1415905983.612927.jpg

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  2. You should do some research and find out how many excuses and unexcused absences you can really get before being denied academic credit. 7 doesn't days doesn't seem like too much for something like this. You should also see if your school has "Saturday school" where you can make up hours. It's a pain in the ass but better than signing that piece of shit of a contract.

    Wraaaap the night around me, blanket of black on my back, I feel safe in the darkness...
  3. #3 Bztorres, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    I know a person in my school that has 14 unexcused absences, he's 18. And he has never been given a contract like this.
    So unfair 😒

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  4. Fuck no dont sign dat shit. It doesnt even say ur teachers can write excuse notes its just him, the nurse, or doctor that can write an excuse. It doesnt even mention dat ur parents can write u a note. Just throw it away. They try t make me sign dat shit too but i jst take it home nd throw it away nd never talk t em again cuz dey forget anyways
    Also if he remembers about da paper just tellem u lost it nd when dey give u a new one throw it away again. Man i hate teachers dat worry bout attendance dey b killin my vibe too much fuck dat.
  5. Also my contracts r more serious cuz dey say dey will send me t court nd ill get fines nd community service nd dat if u hav a drivers license da police will suspend ur license n shit. Fuck that.
  6. When I was in high school it was 9 absences lost you credit for a semester course or 18 absences for a full year course. Just go to school bruh
  7. Fuck no. Go to community college and finish up :smoke:
  8. 9 times?

    Niiiine times...

    I dont remember him being sick 9 times.
  9. Jesus Christ, look at that spelling. Maybe you shouldn't skip school dawg.
  10. I remember I missed like 87 days in 8th grade and still passed lmfao. But really get your act together and get your education.
  11. Or was it 47.. Idk I forgot.
    Do not listen to this guy..holy shit.
    OP - if you want to graduate on time, sign it and abide by it. Be glad there's nothing in there about drug testing. Looks like they are trying to give you a second chance at passing instead of failing you for having too many absences.
    7 unexcused absences is alot man..and it's only November. What the hell are you missing school so much for? If you keep going like this, think about how many unexcused absences you would have by the end of the year. 
  14. Lol nah its cuz idgaf bout grammar when i type iont write like dis in school lol
  15. Nah nah nah lol 7 absences in november aint even allot at all xD
  16. When you are 18 you legally do not have to go to school anymore. They can suspend or expel you, then you'd have to go to a continuation school if you want to further your education. 
  17. Lol op fuck that I missed 32, yes 32, days in 10th grade. They were saying all this shit like they were gonna fine me and nothing ever happened. I wouldn't sign it.
  18. Is this. Serious thread?

  19. You fucked up in school, now you have to pay for what you did. At least he's trying to help you before you drop out.

    Wanna smerk a berl???
  20. I hate schools they're all fascists

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