would you REALLY go to hogwarts??

Discussion in 'General' started by Joker., Dec 4, 2013.

  1. when hogwarts is probably a mental institution. 

    quidich is probably when they make you sweep the floors lol

    the hogwarts express is really a shortbus.

    the 4 houses are actually floors based on how insane you are, with hufflepuff being the craziest. 

  2. would you be in your own little fantasy world where you are actually in hogwarts whilst this was going on?
  3. What floor are you from Joker?! Hufflepuff?! :)
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  4. Fuck no.

    Hogwarts is a fucking dangerous place. 
  5. Hermione tho.
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  6. i'm in arkham asylum, they can't handle me at hogwarts.
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  7. I would be the slutty guy spreading his seed and making lots of mudbloods.
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  8. Fuck that harry potter bullshit
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  9. If I can't have Hermione, gimme the Patil twins or Luna

    Mobile reppin
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    yea Luna is a babe, Harry should have been getting after that.
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  11. Hagrid's not the only giant on campus, if you know what I mean.
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  12. Yes
    And I would have sex with hermione 
  13. well now that you have totally distorted my perception of what hogwarts is, i would have to say no.. 
  14. sometimes i wish i were that crazy.
  15. I'll be the first wizard to find a spell to get a bigger cock
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  16. I would get expelled in no time
  17. I wouldn't simply because they would always spout some BS about Hogwarts being safe like, 20 minutes before shit went down.
    Not to mention their policy on preparing students to fight ruthless, evil, murdering wizards. >.> "Now, I will show you how to defend against dark wizards, whom wield the power of death, via sparklers of rightiousness.".....
    Hell, the most useful thing the kid learns is how to shoot an animal made of pure happiness and light at spooky shadow men...

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