would you rather be blind or deaf?

Discussion in 'General' started by toaster032, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I hate this question and i can't come up with my own answer...
  2. you could live without music?
  3. and not hearing women nag
  4. Gasp, if a woman is nagging your just giving her reason to nag, give her the D and she wouldn't be nagging anymore.:p
  5. deaf hands down, you'd learn how to communicate with people way easier and better than people that aren't deaf

  6. except for calling for take out, you'd have to use that deaf impaired system hahahhahaha, sucks because people will keep hanging up on you thinking that it's a prank call.
  7. Blind, I could never live without hearing sounds again.
  8. God damn. Easily deaf. It breaks my heart to know that anyone has to be one of the two, though.
  9. If you're born blind how do you even know what anything looks like to even get a mental image in your head? What pop's into your head? Nothing?
  10. If u get to choose then deaf is clearly the better choice they have this device now that they implant on ure ear nerves that can let u hear basic sounds again. Not to mention u can do just about everything u normally would with hearing cuz u can read sub titles use the internet for communication and learn sign language which really isn't all that hard to learn u can also get a tablet pc to write on so u can communicate with people that dont know sign language. The best part of all is you can still drive cars etc...
  11. While I love music and the sounds of everything around me, I would have to choose deaf. I cherish my vision too much. Almost all of my life/hobbies and such depend on my vision. I just couldn't give it up.
  12. blind without a doubt.

    i don't know what i would do if i couldn't hear music ever again
  13. deaf..

    since you can't hear weed, tits, and asses... who needs ears?
  14. Deaf

    You can't drive, walk on busy streets, hike, do pretty much anything without the assistance of something.
    I'd rather never hear again.
  15. Deaf

    I'll ALWAYS be able to "hear" music in my head, I do it now when tunes aren't available.

    Also I could see the interaction with others without having to listen to BS:D:smoke:
  16. blind mute, i am holden caufield

  17. Hell yeah!!:smoke:

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