If i were an American soilder i think i would have taken the shot if given the oppurtunity. Wat about ya'll ?
honestly if i could keep myself from blowing his brains all over the iinside of his turban, i'd rather take him alive. Then i'd proceed to remove all his fingernails, teeth and torch his sack with a blowtorch. Then i'd shoot him.
thats a once in a life time opportunity..... a real Trophy kill.... absolutely.... No one else can come close to that... Shooter is a Legend.......
I probably would have done it even despite orders to stand down. Fuck that shit, blow his stupid head off and move on to the next one.
you're not being serious i hope, right? of course sikhs do, except their's are done different. Arabs wear turbans, so bin laden being an ARAB he wears one too! holy shit, what a concept! Turban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia please, next time you try to be a smartass, actually have your facts right
shit, i'd wanna talk to the fucker too but i don't speak arabic and i'm sure his english or russian is not quite up to par to mine
Would I drop little boy on Hiroshima.. No Would I drop napalm on a NVA known village... No Would I drop a angry extremist muslim with a hardon for killing "infidels"... YES
Yea I wasn't thinking of that aspect when I posted, we would have lost so many of our boys if we decided to invade with the soviets/without