Would you let a fifteen year old adopt a baby?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LostBegonia, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. No? why not? because they're not mature enough, not responsible enough, don't have the money or stability. So then why would you force a fifteen year old to have a baby instead of allowing abortion?
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  2. nxt-what-the-hell.gif
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  3. If you aren't mature enough to have a baby then you aren't mature enough to have sex.
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  4. Killing babies isn't the answer.
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  5. This ignores reality. 40-50 percent of high schoolers have sex. I did. Didn't y'all? And, I certainly wasn't able to parent anyone at age 15. Were y'all? We're talking about children having children. You're expecting a 15 year old to have an adult mindset and an adult's brain development. Just doesn't work that way.
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  6. I think I disagree. Can you define "baby" in the context you used it?
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  7. A baby is a human being, possessing a unique genetic code, that is in a stage of development signified by their total dependence on others for nourishment and protection.
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  8. No it doesn't. They're irresponsible, that's the reality.

    Kill the 15 year old or force sterilize everyone. How about that?

    Force it to have the kid as punishment, then force it to give it away.

    Coddling stupidity and irresponsibility has gotten us nowhere.
  9. Jesus fucking Christ lol
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  10. #10 Mvndanke, Apr 21, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
    Kill the child for having a child, because that child was too childish to be responsible enough to have sex…
    Force child to have child…
    To teach children to be responsible?

    do you know how much physical and mental toil you are putting that child through forcing them to bring another child into this world?

    this is a the best scenario in your mind? A being that isn’t conscious of its own existence versus a fully functioning, fully conscious being?
  11. Kill the parents?

    I mean we gotta kill something right? Can't just let life happen.
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  12. B0D34147-9836-4CE6-A968-50943272DF62.jpeg
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  13. Oh please, you seem to be of the group that can't define and male or female either...
  14. Exactly, what 15 year old doesn't understand condoms or using birth control pills. You don't even need parental permission for that.
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  15. I didn’t start birth control until I was 18 and didn’t really understand the concept well at that age (15) but I was also in Georgia, the south, where they don’t teach you sex Ed adequately and constantly vote against teaching kids more effectively and preaching ABSTINENCE. No sex before marriage, and the consequences of sin.

    Going to your parents depending on how they run their household, asking for birth control or condoms is unfortunately looked down upon and invites further scrutiny.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. The ones who live in areas where people refuse to tell them how to have safe sex because of the belief they shouldn't have sex at all and that if they do they should be punished by pregnancy
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  17. I find that in todays age of the internet that is really hard to believe kids have no clue what a condom is. Stores don't care if your super religious or whatever, they'll sell you a pack in a second.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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