was watching an episode of the community and someone said 'aint no party without drugs!' and it got me thinking, thats pretty true. all the memorable parties i've been to were feuled on alcohol and drugs would you even bother going to a party if it was going to be all puritan and outlawed drugs and alcohol?
I've been going to parties for years, I'm starting to get tired of them, with or without drugs/booze.
not saying i need drugs to have fun i just woulnd't wanna go hang out with like 20+ kids that i don't really know and just play.. scrabble? like what the hell would you do?
If there are hot chicks there then yes, otherwise no. Drugs and alcohol stimulate interesting conversations. But if there are hot chicks then it wouldn't be too bad being a sqaure.
^ this its always the same shit different day ya know. and you know theres always that guy fuckin shit up.
Depends on if it is my good friends i would go but if it's with only one of my friends and a bunch of randoms i get fucked up before hand
If the whole party would be of drunken or drugged people, with me being one of the sober guys, i always feel like im using their space and start to think that "Do they really even want me here?"
id be high regardless so as long as there was some food and drinks and some rather good looking females id stop by for a lil bit.