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Would you do this

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bobby82, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. For a class paper would you choose the topic of marijuana and defend it or is that too much? Cuz like 10 mins ago my psyc teacher told everyone to choose a topic that is a "hot button" to us or emotiomal and this topic must cause controversy and have two sides to it. So I, being the herb lover i am, chose marijuana and decriminalization because i hate when people belittle weed smokers and the herb itself.
  2. Go for it, I have many times based my essays on that title, and basked in the glory that is the teachers jaw drop from the information overload, with evidence to back you up.

    One the the most informative documentaries is "The Union, The Business of Getting High" I suggest watching this before righting anything, unless you have already watched it.
  3. go for it man. its controversial so you will have no shortage of opinions and ideas about the subject
  4. When i was in highschool, i did a paper on cannabis prohibition. I was very against it. My teacher absolutely loved it. i say, do it!
  5. In ninth grade we had to write a memoir.I wrote it on the first time i smoked pot.Got an A.Teacher actually talked to me about it after class.They just told me to be smart.
  6. Whenever i support cannabis, my teachers seem to give me a worse grade. I wrote an essay about The truth of Marijuana and got like 60%, when every essay i usually get 80% +

    Also started recieving lower grades after that :( haha.
  7. I want to write a paper on bud so bad. :(
    Sometime soon I will be able to, that day I will get a 100% :smoke:
  8. Do it man, we had a project to do in law. There was a "Decriminalize Marijuana" and "Keep Marijuana Illegal group". We didn't get to choose which side. My buddy and I were on the "keep it illegal" side. It was fucked cause I think it should be legal. Hell we won the debate though.
  9. It would be a great topic. Controversial, two very opposing sides, and very relevant. However, as I'm sure you know... your classmates and teacher may think differently of you if you blatantly bash marijuana prohibition. Not sure if you even care, just something to consider.

    I remember my Senior year, this kid in my AP government class did his first project (which was an example of Federal vs. State laws) on marijuana laws. A great topic, but the teacher-being extremely conservative and anti-mmj obviously thought differently of him from then on.

    It's your decision. But I think it'd be a great topic.
  10. If ur gonna half ass it. Dont do it.

    Make sure to have sources my friend.
  11. I'd do it on phenethylamines and tryptamines, but then again I'm a very unique individual

    edit: what I mean to say it, give it your all, and make everyone in the room feel like a dumbass, even the people who support legalization
  12. I did that for my research paper senior year of high school & had to present it for the class as well - aced it :D
    So yeah, go for it. Just use legit sources and not just your own knowledge on bud.
  13. Thanks guys now i dont feel as weird or on edge about choosing the topic and plus its a critical thinking psycology class so he said his goal is to make us all open minded and not believe something unless very good facts are shown etc etc.

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