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Would you cheat?

Discussion in 'General' started by PublicEnemy20, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Would you ever cheat on your girlfriend? Let's say one night you're out with guyfriends, you drink a bit, and there are nice looking girls, and you happen to start flirting with one. You see she's willing to do stuff but you don't know if you are. What do you do?
  2. Yes.

  3. I can honestly say if she was hot enough, yes.
  4. Dam this thread lowers my expectations of humanity
  5. K I'm never dating you guys :rolleyes:
  6. Wow, right?!?
  7. #8 Spoogett, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2012
    Hop off my nuts.
  8. Hell no.

    If i was in a relationship it would be for a reason.
    I don't even think i would have the balls to, so disrespectful.
  9. I respect the people who have the will power to not give in.

    Hopefully I'll be there soon.

    But I feel like you guys think when I said yes it meant like I'm pursuing another woman via call/texts but that's simply not the case. If I'm at a party with my bros and there's a dime piece like super dime piece and she was pursuing me that night I would have to go for the kill. Given I never see her again

  10. Well that's all well and good but if you have a significant other at the time that's pretty shitty and disrespectful. It doesn't matter if it's a premeditated affair or a spur of the moment fuck - it's still wrong. One is not better than the other.
    You don't have to go in for the kill. You choose to out of selfishness. What's the point of being in a relationship if you drop your pants for the first slut that comes along.
  11. I've been in this situ on more then one occasion and both times I was hit on by very attractive girls and both times I basically ignored their advances although it took all the will power I had....seriously I'll never forget how bad I wanted to just say fuck it and just go to town on these girls but I didn't.
    I just know if I had done it I could never have looked my girl in the eyes again and felt the way I do about her...but that's just me.

    But it was seriously one of the hardest things in the world to do and I can see why a lot of people can't stop themself
  12. Everyone knows how they would react and I believe that's what I would do. Maybe I haven't witnessed a love strong or something like that to stop it

    And you misread honeymoon, I said a dime piece like SUPER dime piece. Not a random slut lol. I have standards give me some credit.
  13. If you're in a relationship, then why cheat? If you want to fuck someone else, get out of your relationship and then do it. I think I would have to cut off my own balls if I did something as childish as that.
  14. This is why I stay single. No girlfriend bullshit drama and I get to fuck different girls

    It's win win. Plus the only money i need to spend is on condoms or a coat hanger
  15. Unless you're 100% in love, if there's any doubt the answer is cheat and don't let your girl find out
  16. I don't know what a super dime piece is lol. I'm assuming its a hot chick. How does that make it ok? Its acceptable to hurt the person you claim to be devoted to because a hot girl is available? No. It still isn't ok. Cheating is one of the worst things one human can do to another.

  17. yeah I agree, what's the point of being in a relationship if you will freely cheat like that. Defeats the purpose of becoming exclusive.

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