i have a 29mm 18" beaker bottom hoss with a shower head downstem, im looking for a nice ash catcher for around $90 and i found this one, it comes with both the 4 arm and a showerhead downstem would you buy it? why or why not. Hoss Glass 29mm Jar Ash Catcher - Use Your Lungs click the link to see the ashcatcher!
I'm not familiar with the brand or quality but for the price w both stems seems like a great price. I'm just not sure if its china glass.
Lots of people on grasscity says it is a china company, but its just as good quality as many companys. I think hoss is a much higher company then cheech, pure, gear, red eye, almost all brands that are normally found in my lhs Heres a video on quality of the glass [ame]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7mdATGyziIY[/ame]
Hoss is great if you live north of America, but if your in the USA please go to a Lhs. Since you have Canadian is in your name so I'm sure you don't have any local glass , so I would just skip the ash catcher. Unless you want to save up for a toro or sov one for 180-200