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Would you buy this

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ZootedCuteKid, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. #1 ZootedCuteKid, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    Would you buy this shirt or shirts like it ?
  2. I see no picture.
  3. Yeah, sure.
  4. #5 Weed I am, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    Its ok but im too stylish for that.
  5. sorry i forgot to add the photos... i wonder why haha.
  6. Hah I dig it man
  7. [​IMG]

    EDIT: Well, now im facepalming myself you put the pics up while i was getting the photo. damnit.
  8. its all good haha
  9. I would for a laugh
  10. I could just tell people it's a great day... Save the cost of the shirt.
  11. I wouldn't buy it, but I would wear it. :p
  12. I don't see much of a point in wearing this. GDP as in granddaddy purp? Inside joke? I'm so confused man.
  13. Yea man, be proud, your expressing your views which is better than paying $60 for a fucking name bran polo or nike. +1
  14. If I was homeless, I'd use it to wipe my ass.

  15. its a subliminal way of expressing weed with out blantly doing it
  16. [quote name='"ZootedCuteKid"']
    its a subliminal way of expressing weed with out blantly doing it[/quote]

    I really don't think this an efficient way of doing this. Make a GrassCity t-shirt instead.
  18. Yeah I didnt get it either that's kinda stupid I don't think anyone would know what it means

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