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Would you be happy with this deal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The_J0ker, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. 10 gs of regs and 3 gs of dank for $60
  2. What kind of question is this.

    Obviously, if i got 13gs of bud with 3gs that are dank for $60 i would be happy.

    I would be happier with 10gs of dank for $60 though :smoke: :D
  3. Nope, i get qtrs of dank for 60 that's why i wouldn't do that. But it all depends on you. If regs get you high as you want to be, go for it, but you can pick up an oz of regs for 50-100 bucks, so he's still not hooking it either way.
  4. nah mayne I get pounds for 60

    13 gs for 60? What a rip off
  5. if by regs you mean mids then...

    is this a serious question?

    obviously!!! the people bitching are the people that are a) lying about what they pay or b) get excellent deals to the point where they can brag in any "what do you pay" thread. aka, live in cali or british columbia or some shit like that

    sorry, I am drunk but I feel that I'm speaking the truth
  6. or c) going along with this obviously joking thread, because there's no way anybody would not be fuckin pumped to get 13 for 60
  7. a pound for 60.

    HAHAHA! I could walk out to my front yard and dig a handful of whatever I want out of the ground I stand on but I won't because that shit sucks
  8. Its a hell of a deal as long as the regs isn't shwas I would definately take it.
  9. I would be pumped to get 3 gs of danks and 10 grams of mids for 60...I wouldn't have to stop smoking ever

    edit: but I'm from PA so there's my drakescale armor. defense +100% biaaaatch
  10. The sad part is the numbers i had listed are 100% true, my good friend grows for local dispensary. I don't pay no $20 dollar gram shit, when he sells it to them for $10g i get it lower because Ive known him for quite sometime.
  11. This... ^^^

    I get paid 60$ for smoking a quarter of weed.:smoke::smoke:

  12. You see, I really didn't get 13 gs for $60. I bought around an oz. regs and sold some to break even and then I had 10g left over for free. Then from a diff. guy I purchased an eighth for $60 but was shortened 0.5g. So I kinda got ripped, but on the positive side I still only spent $60 on weed this week for 13gs :smoke: So I guess it depends on your perspective
  13. that's nuts lol I get cheap prices too (canada ah yeah) but not like that lol, I usually get 7.5 of dank for 60 bucks
  14. well...whatever dude. I'd still be happy as hell even if I'm alone on this decision
  15. oh, and one more post to add to this thread...a dude from CA and a dude from canada, who called it? I did:hello:
  16. qtr ounces are 60 of course, and an oz is 180 so it truly does pay off in the end to buy the oz
  17. damn, living in CA would be so sick. An ounce of dank for 60? seriously WOW. I pay 55- 65 per eighth
  18. ya, im from canada
    and yesterday i got a quarter of dank for 50$
  19. no broski, a qtr ounce is a little more than 7 grams, i usually get 7.5 for the price..

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