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Would this work?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistBrian, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. The thing up top is a mflb, i was wondering if you could make this into a gravity bong.

    So GrassCity, do you think this contraption would work?
    Please don't critique my drawing capability. Sorry I ain't no Andy Warhol.

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  2. No. How would you control the draw speed so that the MFLB does not combust? You would have no draw speed
  3. I was thinking that you could just pull at the right speed, you should know what I'm talking about if you've used a gb
  4. in no way would that work
  5. why not?
  6. MFLB has to be horizontol to burn evenly, it would only burn the button and then start to combust. Also there is no draw, its just sitting there... the temperature will get high enough soon to combust the bud.
  7. Why would you want to do that with vapor if you dont mind me asking? seems rather pointless
  8. I'm sure you can pull the bottle up to create plenty of drag.
  9. Haha, try it out :smoke:
  10. You would need a flimsy tube inside the mouthpiece so you could keep the MFLB horizontal. In theory it would work, but would it work more efficiently? Probably not.
  11. Dude, dont listen to people who havent done it, they cant prove it works or not, sorry to you people, but you have no idea until you try hehehehehehe.

    If you made some sort of elbow connection to keep the mflb horizontal (which would be easy, with a straw :) ) and if you took the waterfall method rather than grav bong (where you place a hole in the bottle and let the water slowly leak out, rather than cutting the bottom off and moving the bottle to create suction) you could easily spend 5 mins figuring out how big the hole needs to be in order to pull at a good speed. then just make it so you can remove the mflb easily from the straw (incase of combustion, and just for ease of use) it would work hahaha, or it SHOULD work, who knows with human error hehehehe. If you can use it in a bong, which provides much more draw than you would using your mouth, i dont see how this wouldnt be easy..... it would just take some modifying to the waterfall bong structure hahahahah
  12. Maybe i was wrong, it was just my opinion man :) Its all good just try it and get baked :smoking:

    I know how high you are sirsog, LOL fuck man me 2. Yo.. op.. have fun :smoke:

  13. hehe, yea man, im all about canna inventions hahaha. ill promote them all day, any day

    Im currently trying to devise something to extract the vape goop from inside the mflb draw tube so i can use it, every method ive found makes it pretty useless, and i want it, its pretty much just hash oil lol... i want to roll it in kief
  14. I love creating new canna inventions too! that's why I created this thread lol. I think this idea has potential but I don't even have my mflb yet. I'm still planning on getting one soon though, but I posted this for the mflb users
  15. If you figure it out let me know. even though i hit it native now as it gets me much higher with the microhit technique, my draw tube is golden yellow from before :smoke: Once i cleaned it by sticking a qtip through it and that obvs doesnt work for collecting the vape goo

  16. Yea, im some how trying to figure out how to pressurize super hot water, hoping the temperature of the water will melt the goop, and the pressure will blast it out. And blast it into some glass/pyrex container, then letting the water evaporate... but i need something that can blast hot water.... my sink has one of those hot water dispensor things...but the pressure is VERY low, and i think a spray bottle is too little pressure.... Ive thought about tiny strips of unbleached paper, and pulling them through with a needle or something, but it would take soo much paper, and id have to hope none of the paper was left behind as i rinsed them in alcohol to get the goop off, that it wouldnt work.... so until i find some type of tiny pressure making device, im just letting the goop build up. Its gone from the nice amber, and got thick, turned more into dark amber, got more thick, now its like black goop, but if i take a paper clip and get a tiny bit, its still amber, just the thickness makes it appear dark hahaha so intense
  17. lol, look at all that goop in there :)


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  18. I've never smoked a MFLB but wouldn't you be able to push a skinny metal rod that has a circle on the head of the rod (much like pushing a nail in backwards) that is just barely bigger than the diameter of the MFLB tube and push out the goop?

  19. Ive been looking for one for soooo long its a VERY tiny tube, and it would need to be a good 1.5 inch nail, and generally, the smaller the head, the shorter the nail (no penis pun intended :rolleyes: ) And i really dont wanna get a nail stuck inside of it somehow.... cause that makes the water/pressure idea impossible and it seems the be the only theory i have thats going to work yet.... im gonna check nails out at home depot next time i have to go there, but im not gonna go just for a nail for this haha, not enough time for that
  20. Lol holy shit! how long have you not cleaned that for! Mine is light golden yellow, i thought if it gets like that you combust, but im guessing you just havent celaned it in like half a year

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