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would this be disrespectful?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by drfish, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. the guy i usually buy from is unreliable and has been dry for so fucking long now, so i asked another guy if he was still dealing. he told me no but that he would start again in a few weeks and that he'd give me his number when he does start. until then, i have nothing to smoke unless my usual guy decides to get off his ass and do his job, so i was wondering if i should ask the second guy if he knows anyone that might be willing to sell some to me. would this be disrespectful?
  2. No this is business not personal. It's not rude to try to find weed
  3. Do what you got to do in order to find some. Dont worry about hurting that guys feelings or something just cause your not going to wait til he re ups.
  4. Just explain your situation, I'm sure he (dealer 2) wouldn't mind setting you up temporarily with someone else if it means you're more likely to come back (to dealer 2) when he's set up.

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