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Would Marijuana be adulterated if it was legalized?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Iceman420, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Think about it, if Philip Morris or the other big cigarette companies sold Marijuana the day it was legalized, wouldn't they put similar chemicals, as they do in cigarettes?
  2. I think the market would support high quality organic marijuana. If not, we would just grow our own.
  3. I can't remember where it was but there was a poll that showed that among mmj patients organically grown marijuana is a primary factor in their decision. As long as the patients request organically grown marijuana they will receive it.
  4. No offense but I'm really getting tired of these threads. Please think outside the box! When its legalized, you don't have to buy it from Weed and Co. at the corner store. You can buy it from the hippie down the street, you can buy it at the organic farmers market, fuck YOU CAN GROW IT YOURSELF.

    goddamn it. I mean, you can't compare tobacco to weed. You can grow weed anywhere. Its a weed! That's why its called weed!

  5. Possibly if you bought the big megacorp brands. I'm sure there would also be all natural organic brands similar to American Spirit though. TLDR=Don't worry about it.
  6. Why would you want to buy weed from a cigarette company when you can grow it yourself?

  7. I know quite a few would grow on their own, but come on, its almost like tomatoes. Tomatoes is extremely easy to grow, and it tastes better when it's done that way, but people don't bother doing so, and go to the grocery store to buy tomatoes instead.

    Humans are lazy beings too, "why grow your own when you can just buy it in a couple of minutes?" is the question that pops into many heads.
  8. [quote name='"Iceman420"']

    I know quite a few would grow on their own, but come on, its almost like tomatoes. Tomatoes is extremely easy to grow, and it tastes better when it's done that way, but people don't bother doing so, and go to the grocery store to buy tomatoes instead.

    Humans are lazy beings too, "why grow your own when you can just buy it in a couple of minutes?" is the question that pops into many heads.[/quote]

    I grow my own vegetables and berries, from watermelons to cilantro, my family is growing it!

  9. Actually that analogy was wrong, Weed is medicine tomato is a fruit/vegetable I want to make sure my medicine is grown good, no chemicals added etc .. So I would either grow my own or buy it from a trusted seller.
  10. I'm confident that American Spirit will produce delicious, potent, preservative free cannabis that will be as good and pure as what anyone else can grow on their own. Marlboro and Camel are different stories entirely.
  11. Im pretty sure the tobacco companies wont stand a chance. The real best smoke will always come from the hobby growers. I see alot of them setting up small dispenseries/cafes(whatever the set up is), and it being a small scale inddividualy run sort of affair for a few years. I just cant see the best weed being grown on a commercial scale in the majority of the world climates.
  12. If you're worried about it, you're wasting your time and thoughts. Why not dream about going to the moon - yeah, it ain't gonna happen, but neither is legalization if you keep wasting your time and bringing up this BULLSHIT.
  13. [quote name='"addlestoner"']Im pretty sure the tobacco companies wont stand a chance. The real best smoke will always come from the hobby growers. I see alot of them setting up small dispenseries/cafes(whatever the set up is), and it being a small scale inddividualy run sort of affair for a few years. I just cant see the best weed being grown on a commercial scale in the majority of the world climates.[/quote]

    Someone posted a 100k watt commercial grow room... Trust me it was some of the best weed i've ever seen. I think large scale is fine, as long as there are enough dedicated people to run it.

  14. Legalization of Marijuana is inevitable. The support behind it is not going to anywhere, and will continue to pursue its goal. I believe over half of American's would support legalization of marijuana, and it will only grow. Our generation is stepping in soon, and the older...well is dying out. I guarantee you pot will be legalized or some sort of decriminalized state within 20-30 years.

  15. and this hippy (who may just live down your street) would like to say amen to that rant.

    THE major factor keeping weed illegal is the opposition of the vested interests of alcohol, tobacco, and a greedy government that can't see a way to derive tax revenue from something that anyone with a yard or a window box can produce in. The second is the lobbing power of law enforcement agencies that would lose their reason for existence, their budgets, political swipe, and of course their salaries. Maybe the order of importance is reversed, but that's why we users and growers get to go to jail for smoking instead of drinking for entertainment.
  16. idk capitalism could take its part in less fortunate areas and the cheapest bud sold could support a big company. think about mexican cartel weed, it exists because theres a market for cheep weed.
    just a thought of a possibility.
  17. ^Buds cheap to grow man. Especially in large scale. The prices now are artificial. Prices will plummet when it is legalized. It will all be "cheap weed."
  18. #18 Danonymous, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2012
    [quote name='"YoSmokinMan"']^Buds cheap to grow man. Especially in large scale. The prices now are artificial. Prices will plummet when it is legalized. It will all be "cheap weed."[/quote]

    Yea really. I've literally took a seed into a forest, cleared a space and planted it. Gave it a little fertilizer and perlite, barely visited it except to spray it down for bugs, and it turned out pretty dank.

    Edit: then again alcohols really fucking cheap to make too. All you really need is sugar water and yeast, add some orange juice concentrate after and it tastes just like a normal screwdriver. But you still see bud light being sold for insane prices at bars or concerts. You can make over 470 drinks worth out of 15 pounds of sugar and $5 of turbo yeast... A week later, distill it if you want and you're good to go

    Anyway the point is, prices will always be artificially inflated for companies to keep making money. If people are paying $20 a gram for it now, then why wouldn't companies sell it for that much after it's legal?
  19. Moron's that's who.

  20. No prices will most definitely go down... It's really just simple economics. There will be more of a supply because there is less risk of selling/growing it which will lower prices. Think of prices in California. Vs NYC... Huge difference. This is because there is more supply (medical marijuana). Maybe I'll put up a diagram if I remember later but there really isn't much of an argument against this...

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