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Would I Qualify?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TokeMonument, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. OK so I live in colorado and I have these really bad unexplainable horrible stomach aches.

    I have gone to my physician and he drew blood and tested for all kinds of diseases. Nada.

    Went to an allergy specialist and he couldn't Identify that I was allergic to anything.

    Ordinary pain killers (Ibuprofen) don't help, and I don't want to take anything stronger.

    But if I smoke a bowl, pain just becomes more of a sensation in the background and I can still function.
    Like literally when these things happen I can't stand up straight and even when lying down they hurt a lot. Most often they are accompanied byuncontrollable vomitting and diarhea. still woozy the next day.

    I have tried and tried, and I just can't predict when these pains will happen, though normally excercise and gluten precede them.

    I cannot just stop eating gluten because I need that to play soccer, without that I will have no energy, and I don't want to stop playing soccer. I would get fat and just have other health problems that way.

    Anyway, all this stuff is in my medical file, so do you think I would qualify to get an mmj prescription?
  2. Please review the sticky thread entitled "Do You Qualify" and if you have further questions, please post in there.

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