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would i be able to get a card in cali with my conditions?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by HunterLives420, Feb 2, 2011.

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  1. I am 18 years old and have been smoking almost everyday for about half a year. Beforehand I was on about 5 to 6 different medications including otc meds. I have had asthma and severe allergies my entire life. When I was 8 I was diagnosed with migraines I get at least 1 a month to this day. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with clinical depression which I still struggle with. The same year I broke my left arm it cracked at the top on my radius and snapped in half right above my elbow on my ulna to which I now have the beginnings of arthritis. When I was 16 I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and put on a series of medications for it. I had a colonoscopy which resulted in the diagnosis of my ibs. The same year I was prescribed trazodone for insomnia and prozac for depression. I started taking nexium for my ibs. I had albuterol for asthma also singulair and flonase for allergies and asthma. I took excedrin extra strength (with caffeine) for joint pain and migraines. And I am happy to say that since using cannabis I have ceased use of all other of my medications. Is this enough to get me a recomendation?
  2. Depends on your states list of ailments. But if your in Cali and have medical records of all of this, you can get a recommendation on insomnia alone. Other states should still accept you, but I only know CA an WA rules.
  3. In California I would think so, fuck IBS man that shit sucks. Thanks to the herb I've been able to cease all my medications for it as well.

    Good luck :wave:
  4. I watched a program last thursday with featured smoking in cali, and how to get a card. A british guy walked in their and thought of the biggest thing that was wrong with him "mild insomnia" which he said he got once a month. The docter said he eligable for a card with his conditions ?!?!?!

    So i'm sure if something as mild as that can be treated by cannabis, you'l definatly be able to get a card. Of course I'm no expert, but I've heard its pretty easy to geta card over there but you look like you deserve it.

    Good luck mate :wave:
  5. Definately, I have a friend who has AIDs and he has a card.
  6. Please review the "Do You Qualify" thread
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