Would any of us actually go back to highschool/being a teen if we had the chance?

Discussion in 'General' started by JakeMader, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. What I've noticed in us graduated folks is that we often complain about how difficult adulthood is and how easy/carefree it was to be a teenager, but when we're faced with the question "do you wish you could go back to highschool/being a teenager?" most of us shudder at the thought and don't even have to hesitate before we answer "no".

    My question to you is: would you go back to being a teenager/highschool?

    I sure as hell wouldn't. Sure it might have been an "easier" time, but in all actuality, I actually found it to be a much more challening time than adult hood. My highschool workload greatly surpasses my current university workload, I was awkward, anxious, self conscious, and mildy over compulsive. Not to mention all the anger I had towards the world around me and the stupid pricks in my highschool, I wasn't living on my own so I had to obey another person's rules, ugh the list goes on and on.

    So... Would you guys go back?
  2. If I could go back with everything I know now, yes. If I had to be that same kid I was, no.
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  3. If I could do it as I am now, sure. If I had to do it all over again the way it happened... Hell no!

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  4. HS ? no.
    maybe elementary school for a few days
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  5. My Jr. year was the shit. If I had to go back to HS then I would pick this year.
    /\\ This /\\
    college though...
  8. Fuck yeah!! High school keg n house parties.....need I say more.
    Everyday during school it was like......"What you doin this weeknd".......to everybody you saw. The good times.......where everybody was around school talkin n planing what the weekend held......O and not everybody workin and busy.
  9. I don't shudder at the thought at all.. my answer would be immediately yes
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  10. #11 -Martyr, Nov 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
    I'm 22 going on 23, and I can say that this point in my life, excluding working 8 hours a day (but it's money in the bank), is probably the best period. When I'm not working, the world is mine to do with what I will. I don't have homework, I don't have to bite my tongue and hold back my pride while my parents lord their authority over me, and I have zero personal drama in my life outside of that like 30 minute time frame that sometimes happens where none of my connects are getting back to me, and that usually rectifies itself. We tend to romanticize the past because it's intangible and impossible to get back, but the present's not too bad really. Good job that's pretty chill, I don't get drug tested, I work towards what I want to do with my life on the side on my own time, and I smoke with my friends like every day because we're all at the same point in our lives where aside from work/school, we can do whatever the fuck we want.
    High school was a good time because there was constant immersion in social environments and situations, but in the end it's just a bunch of young lightweights who think they're going hard. You throw some house parties, get your dick played with a little, and then you regurgitate for like four years. Time grants perspective, and from my own, going back would be trading down.
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  11. In highschool I worked two full time jobs, supported a meth addict slut mom and my crazy clingy nutty gf and my lil bro. I dealt with psychological and physical abuse, ended up homeless, all while trying to save people who didn't want to be saved. I never experienced highschool, proms, or even graduation, because I was always working. I never partied, slept around, or did anything that teens do. I just worked like a damn slave.

    So while it was carefree for the middle/upper classes, it was not carefree for all of us.

    If given the chance to go back, knowing what I know now, I'd probably be much worse off because I'd give half a fuck as much as i did before. Naivety and the human heart can drive people to endure atrocious conditions.

    To my younger self I'd say, "trust no one, get those emotions buried and be surprised by nothin youngin. Your family is going to try to eat you alive and hate you for every accomplishment beyond theirs that you achieve. Oh yeah and when you're 18, your aunts gonna pay your cousins to murder you, so watch out for that ol boy" I'd also tell my younger self to get distance from a lot of people.

    But no, wouldn't go back for even a moment.

    Teenage years sucked bawls
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  12. I had a great High School experience but don't know if I'd trade the freedom I have now.  I really miss football, everything else I can still experience for the most part.
  13. HS was fun but damn, I was smoking shitty weed back then.
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    Please share that story.
    As for me, if I knew what I know now, the answer is a hell yes. It would be a completely new experience for me.
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  15. I reminisce like a motherfucker but id never change anything. All those past mistakes let up to this beautiful present and optimistic future.
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  16. #17 rain dancer, Nov 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
    You can find my story all over these forums in my 4k plus posts. Start checking the sexual weird story threads and you'll join the line of people who want to read another "child called it" book. I literally have to wait til some more of these monsters die off or else risk being suedby those who wants these ol stones to stay dead. Not even lying, some of these monsters are cops, rich enough to f me, etc. tried changing their names and everything but it's so hard to write about nasty stuff sometimes. Fucks with me still to think about
  17. I always wish I could go back to when I was three years old, and just do my whole life over. Just keep everything I know. So yes, I would go back to high school, and re live it. And like everyone before me said, if I have to re live it the same way, then no.
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  18. If I could be the person I am now, in this place I am mentally I would consider it but it wasn't an easy time for me. I had a lot of 'care free' time than I do now but that was in a different way. I was populsr at school so that wasn't an issue and I got on with everybody. I was in a bad place throughout all of my teenage years, severe depression, suicide attempts and mydepression being completely disregarded as the ignorant adults around me would ask what I had to be depressed about. Because depression really works like that! I started heavy on all kinds of drugs for an escape. I felt intensely deep emotions and was always having deep thoughts and drugs were a great way to escape. I had some good stoner years though and chilled out more but my teenage years weren't the best and most care free and I would rather live mg life as an adult than go back and go through that again.
  19. Strictly for the academic resources and advantages, yes. For social reasons, fuck no, I hated teenagers when I was a teenager. Now, I feel like smashing a teenager's skull with a sledgehammer could be a fun activity. Sorry, off topic. :) yeah I'd go back to try to go to a REAL college instead of fucking off like I did.

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