Would an all organic diet help me clean my system faster?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by GanjaGoddess7, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. I'm currently not toking because I'm trying to get a job, and I was wondering if a completely organic and low fat/sugar diet would help me out. I think it might just because I'd be flushing out the preservatives and food coloring and other unnatural junk in my body, and because my body would be burning fat cells at the same time, but I'm not sure. I know about taking niacin and other B vitamins, and drinking lots of water and tea and coffee to make me pee out a lot of the THC still stored inside me, but other than drinking diluted bleach (dangerous, I don't reccomend it) I can't think of anything to make this annoying task any easier. I figured a change of diet and more exercise would make it easier, since I was going to try and be healthier anyway. Also, does anyone know if an all organic diet would make me feel the high better once I do start toking again? I know I'd feel it better once my system is clean, because my tolerance would be at almost zero, but I was wondering if flushing out the harmful unnatural elements in my body would give me a better high, and if the high would last longer? Please, if anyone has any information for me, it would be greatly appreciated!
  2. How long do you have until your DT? And how long since your last toke?

    Those things can help, but your going to need at least 2-3 weeks minimum from last toke to DT if you expect to pass.

    Or you could acquire clean urine from another source(assuming it's a urinalysis).
  3. I dont know when I'm getting tested, because I'm cleaning my system now so when I do get a call from a prospective employer my system is almost clean. Last time I toked was on Father's Day, and I can't get clean urine from anyone because everyone I know is on something, or pregnant, or a guy, and I know the tests can tell the difference between genders, and they can tell if the urine has pregnancy hormones and that might stop me from getting a job too =(
  4. Eat smart, try and cut milk/dairy, it helps a TON with detox ( google casein glue )

    get good protein, good raw foods, vegetables, healthy carbs, fruits

    you are what you eat they say, nutrition aint that hard to do right :) u seem to know some about it too
  5. Thank you, my mother is always researching new nutritional info (she's a vegetarian) and telling me about it. I already cut out dairy for the summer (because of allergies), and I make sure all carbs I eat are whole grain. I've been stuck with frozen and canned veggies lately because money's tight, but as soon as I can afford it I will be eating a good selection of fruits and vegetables, and better protein than just hot-dogs haha. Oh, does anyone have any info on if continuing this healthy diet when I start toking again will help keep my tolerance low? Considering the current and possible future state of the economy, and the likelihood of Idaho legalizing even medical marijuana, I'd like to keep my tolerance low so it's not quite so expensive once I can afford to start up again.
  6. Also, does anyone know if eating healthy spicy foods, like hot salsa and jalapenos, will help me clean my system? I've heard it will, that it burns fat cells and will help me sweat out some of the THC, and I'm just wondering if anyone has any actual evidence on if it does or doesn't work.
  7. Diet doesn't affect tolerance. But if you want a better high start eating foods high in Omega-3's, or take supplements.

    Inb4 granny haha
  8. Ok, thank you! :)

  9. yes peppers like habanero,cayenne, and jalepenos. I work at a organic and health food spot and we have these detox drinks that is pure organic. The most popular flavor is the apple,cayenne,pineapple,kiwi and i think almond. They are hot sellers and they work really well so my advice to you is to grab some fruits that you like and mix it up with a pepper in a blender,chill it, drink it and let it flush you out. The blend should keep you full for most of the day especially if you throw a nut in with the mix. follow this for a few weeks and see how it goes.
  10. Thank you, I've been looking for an excuse to use my blender more =) and it sounds really good too, I like odd complex flavors haha
  11. [quote name='"pretinha"']

    yes peppers like habanero,cayenne, and jalepenos. I work at a organic and health food spot and we have these detox drinks that is pure organic. The most popular flavor is the apple,cayenne,pineapple,kiwi and i think almond. They are hot sellers and they work really well so my advice to you is to grab some fruits that you like and mix it up with a pepper in a blender,chill it, drink it and let it flush you out. The blend should keep you full for most of the day especially if you throw a nut in with the mix. follow this for a few weeks and see how it goes.[/quote]

    whoa like make a mango smoothie for example and just toss in some jalapenos? That sounds weird haha
  12. Haha, its a spicy sweet, like the sandwich from dominoes that has that mango-habanero sauce on it, I used to work there and that stuff was GOOD! Definatly and odd mix, but a good kind of odd, if that makes any sense.
  13. thai people make these kind of sauces alot and it does taste nice

    its like pineapples on pizza :)

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