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Would a vapor bong hit get you higher than just a normal vapor hit?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by JakeMader, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Well would itt?

    [ame=]Vaporizer Bong Hits Migrant Glass - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Well if it's through a bong you'd be getting more wouldn't ya.

    I'm a little tea pot short and stout
  3. Well, some people say that the water filters some of THC because it's vapor, but everytime I've hooked my vape up to my bong I've gotten super fucking high. Hold the hits in for as long as you can though, otherwise you waste a lot.
  4. I can take bigger hits when vapor bonging, so I do it exclusively nowadays. So to answer your question, yeah they do get me higher. :D
  5. They're brilliant hey. Try hitting it through hot water sometime. Incredible.
  6. Yeah vape bonging is the best. I get that milky hit and smoothness of a bong combined with the juicy cannabis vapors. No thc is lost as the amount lost is minimal.
  7. I always wondered would you would lose vapor by filtering through water. Anyone?
  8. No you don't lose any vapor you lose some taste though
  9. I really wanna try this ughh now I just need to fork over some money for a vaporizer haha. The only reason I didn't wanna switch to a vaporizer is because I love using my bong too much, but now I have no excuse to not use the healthier alternative.

  10. weirdest thing happened as i was reading your post...i'm currently watching "storm of the century" and they just had a line "you've been smoking a little too much of what you been selling" (the weed is irrelevant to the rest of the movie)...i bring it up because one of the recurring lines throughout the movie is "i'm a little tea pot"

  11. I've tried cold and hot, both have their characteristics, but I prefer hot. It's nice and steamy, and it moistens up the vapor. :D
  12. You'd get just as high off the same bowl whether you filter it through water or not. If you see smoke your combusting it and completely miss-using a vaporizer.

  13. there are two related issues.

    while THC and other cannabinoids are not very water-soluble (or water pipes would render smoke useless), they are mildly water soluble. thus, any time you pass smoke or vapor through water, you lose a small portion of that smoke/vapor's potency.

    thus, you'll lose some THC passing vapor through water. for that reason, and since vapor is usually gentle enough that there is little benefit from using a water pipe anyway, i do not typically use a hyrdator with my vaporizer.

    the other issue that another poster addresses above is that you may get bigger rips using a hydrator, so it is conceivable you might feel more baked. but you are losing some THC.
  14. Thc is not water soluble, therfore you wouldent lose any potency

  15. Thc is almost not at all water soluble. but it is a tiny bit water soluble. From the wii page on thc:

    "Solubility in water\t0.0028[3] (23 C) mg/mL (20 C)"

    That's a small amount, but not 0. so you lose a tiny bit of potency.

    Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. Barely noticable
  17. Correction: Not noticeable :p
  18. Every vape I've used, you can "see smoke" when hitting it correctly. If you can't see anything at all you're probably not getting much of anything. Whether or not you're combusting the weed, you can tell more accurately based on the way the hit tastes.
  19. #19 Dylanzs, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2013
    [quote name='"ManBearKitten"']Well, some people say that the water filters some of THC because it's vapor, but everytime I've hooked my vape up to my bong I've gotten super fucking high. Hold the hits in for as long as you can though, otherwise you waste a lot.[/quote]

    No, thc is fat soluble, not water soluble, getting buds wet may decrease the thc content, but vapor/smoke passing through water does not, and if it does it would be a very minuscule amount because it is not noticeable.

    I'm a little tea pot short and stout
  20. [quote name='"purplerhino"']

    weirdest thing happened as i was reading your post...i'm currently watching "storm of the century" and they just had a line "you've been smoking a little too much of what you been selling" (the weed is irrelevant to the rest of the movie)...i bring it up because one of the recurring lines throughout the movie is "i'm a little tea pot"[/quote]

    I love that movie. But it is not related in anyway to my quote. Haha. :bongin: stay high my friend. Have a toke of this <//////~~

    I'm a little tea pot short and stout

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