Would a vacum sealer speed up curing?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by mixedmindz, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I'm curious,
    I'm nearing my first harvest and as eager as you'd expect.

    From what I've read alot of curing is letting the inner moisture uniformaly rehydrate the freshly dried bud.
    I'm thinking the vacume sealing process may help speed this up.
    Just like a "quick marinator"

    They even have attachments that vacume seal with standard canning jars/lids.

    any drawbacks?

    any experience?



  2. i've wondered this myself a lot.. it does seem like a lack of air pressure might actually let the moisture redistribute faster, plus as far as my knowledge extends without the presence of as much oxygen there might be less degradation of THC into CBN. could be a huge win if it works out, but the only things that keep me from trying it are 1) i just don't know enough about the chemistry of the process, because besides moisture redistributing the cure also allows the last of the plant sugars to dissipate (..somehow..?) for a smoother smoke; who knows, maybe oxygen is crucial for that process? and 2) "burping" the jars once every day or so supposedly is important to keep a little bit of moisture in the jar, so if you used a vacuum sealer you might end up taking out moisture in the air that's actually necessary. hmmmm i hope someone who knows exactly what burping does will reply here lol.
  3. I thought the burping was to expell any built up humididty.
    not to keep it in.

    I'm thinking a vacume a day for a week may be like a month of curing.
    maybe I'm dreaming.

    I agree, anyone know the chemistry? or are we just talking water content?

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