Worth Your Time to Examine

Discussion in 'General' started by Spasmolytik, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. This site will most definitely have you entertained, high or otherwise.

    This site is relatively large, so I wouldn't recommend it to any dial-up viewers, but it is perhaps the most intriguing site I've ever seen. You know how people often put their entire personal folders up for download with programs like Soulseek simply because that's where their music is? Well oftentimes people have photos they've scanned from a digital camera in there too. Well the author of the site has downloaded and sifted through thousands of these people's pictures and has posted the most interesting ones.

    And lastly, for those into creating unique drawings, there's this...

  2. wow the woman on the right is beautiful.. :hello: :hello:

  3. Yeah, there are a lot of hot chicks within those pictures. Also a decent amount of people and weed.
  4. scribbler is god
  5. rep+ for those sites, hella interesting. That first link was fucking nuts dude....

    Anyone seen someone they know on that second link yet? I'm working through that shit right now just outta curiosity

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