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Worth Making Budder?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cloud9Oil_T.A/ES, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I was just curious if making budder (The kind that's aerated Butane honey oil) is worth it
    I've seen how to make it but have never smoked it or handled it. So is it worth using maybe an ounce or half ounce of good bud to get only a small amount of budder.

    I get that a smaller amount will get me high but does it even out in the end? or anywhere close. or is the taste and high just worth wasting that much weed? Hah I hope I'm making sense any help will be appreciated.:D

    oh also just to be sure the buds you use are useless after the process?

    maybe this should be in another section also, seemed like a apprentice question haha
  2. I'm guessing you're talking about edibles or cannabutter? No experience in this topic but I've heard most people use mids to make their edibles since it's alot cheaper.
  3. No, not butter.

    hes talking about budder. look it up if you dont understand what he is asking.

    i wish i could help, but im interested as well, you will just have to find someone who has actually smoked some, or make some.
  4. Just looked it up. 82% to 99.7% THC, that's fucking crazy. According to wiki 1 hit will get you as high as 1-2 joints will.
  5. yeah its quite crazy thats why i want to make some
  6. hmmm it doesnt sound as if itd get you any higher then smoking it just quicker so this would probably work best with shwag or low mids if you got em but if wut you got is mids or better i wouldnt bother
  7. Good point. I'd say it'd be better to save up a few ounces of stems or shitty schwag and use that instead of just wasting decent bud
  8. i heard its best to use good bud because what you want is the trichomes, more trichomes in abundance then the better the and greater amount of budder you would get
  9. Right, but if you're not smoking it, weed quality doesn't count as much as quantity. You're going to pay more for good shit, so why not just get the same amount of trichromes from a bunch of shitty stuff you barely paid for, thus saving money and reaping the same result.
  10. Ive been wondering the same. Does anyone have a link to make actual budder? Ive read and searched this with different results. Some people say only the ?budderking? or w.e is the only one who knows how to make it, then some people are posting hash oil as "budder". any help would be appreciated

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