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Worth it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lupac, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Okay, here's where I am right now. I don't have a job currently. I worked with UPS this Christmas as a driver helper, but once Christmas was over, my job ended. They liked me the best out of all the helpers they hired this year. Someone is quitting, he's a night package handler guy who's in charge of handing the leaking packages. (The could-be "dangerous" ones.) They offered the job to me, which I said I'd take, but they weren't able to get me into the class this week. Long story short, I haven't smoked since New Year's, so any DT would be clean now, but I finally got some weed of my own, and I want to smoke. Do you think UPS would DT me? The HR manager didn't way anything to me on the phone about a DT, but she did say there would be a "physical" test done by a doctor. One guy they were going to hirer didn't pass because he was a pack a day smoker who couldn't blow into this tube, his lungs were shot. What do you think? (I thought about getting urine now, but I don't think about would work.)
  2. man if i was you i would just wait its not worth it that would be a great job! find some weed in ups packages who would call ups saying there packing went missing with 10lbs of kush?
  3. That's true. I decided not too. :(
  4. that physical might include a DT no point in screwing it up just wait a little. I have had to take a physical that included a DT for a job so just hold on
  5. just wait, maybe find some spice if you really want to smoke. but try to avoid it.
  6. I'm fairly sure UPS doesn't drug test. I'm not 100% sure but i don't think they do.

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