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Worth $10 Per G? [Pic]

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wizkhalifa1, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. I picked up an eighth of DG Haze a couple days ago for $35 and thought it was dank. I decided to take some pics to share and see what you guys thought. It looks pretty dank imo

    Those aren't seeds on the nug on the right, its purple goodness.

    And btw the picture is 4.20 mb large :smoke:

  2. I'd kill to get that good of bud for 10/g. You lucky muthafucka :)
  3. Fuuccckkkkkk yeah, i'd buy that $10 a g, i guess it all depends on how high you get but from the looks of it, you going to be high mid hit:smoke: have fun!
  4. oh yeah man 10 bucks a G for that, worth it a hundred and 10 percent im paying 35 a bag too for bud like that but only through a friend :)
    most bags a see around here like that go for atleast 40 and usally 15-20 a G
  5. You guys don't know how much I am salivating over smoking that! I'm waiting until my roommates (Grandma's Boy ref) go to sleep to blaze.
  6. I am currently smoking the purplish nug on the right out of my piece mmmmmm tasty

  7. lol r u wearing a onesy?
  8. Naw, Im wearing a t-shirt and my SDSU jammies haha

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