Worst night of my life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by cutlery, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. #1 cutlery, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2008
    So my one buddy has had it pretty hard lately. His dad died this year, sister ran away from home, brother is in the hospital with lung cancer and his mom is almost always at the hospital visiting him. On top of all this, his aunt just died yesterday.

    My and a couple others thought he might wanna be burned in on a sesh tonight. He agreed to come so we went out n started blazing near the park.

    All of a sudden we start seeing these flashlights and cop cars surrounding the area. We dip in different directions and start booking it. I went with one other buddy (not the one I was talking about earlier) and we managed to get out of the area. We thought we were home free but then while we were just walking this cop comes outta nowhere shining his light on us yelling "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" and I don't think I've ever been so shocked in my life.

    He calls for backup and we get searched. All I had was a couple grams on me, lighter, basically it. He tells me that they were looking for someone else and that we were probably just gunna be let go. I was so relieved. Then he starts searching my friends bag. Doesn't matter, nothing in it I didn't think. After a while he finds a bag of about 10gs I didn't even know about.

    So they put us in the car, get all our info. Then we get handcuffed for possession... I was scared to death. I asked about what he said earlier about how he was going to just let us go. He said something about that was when they thought we only had a couple grams, but it was a lot different when they found my friends bag of 10g.

    So I'm pretty pissed at my friend... First of all he never told us about all that tree he had which is damn greedy. And now I was being arrested because of it. I felt like they should have just kept him and let me go. It pissed me off.

    Even though I'm 18 they drove to my house (I still live with my parents). He went into my house and left me in the car. Not really sure what he said to them, probably just telling them what happened. Then he comes back to the car and tells me to come.

    I must have looked really depressed because he asked why. I told him my little sister always looks up to me and that now she was seeing me being taken in handcuffs. Remarkably he said he understood so he took my cuffs off before we went in the house.

    In the house my parents explained to him how I get good grades and for the most part I'm a good kid. I was still really pissed off mostly because he told me I was gunna be let loose and I didn't think my parents would have to be involved if I was 18. He starts telling me some shit about how I'm probly addicted to it, and it's really bad for me... I almost lost it a couple times but I kept my cool. He said this was a one strike policy and that I used up my only chance. He just went back to his car.

    So when we got busted the cops still asked us for all our info, asked us a bunch of questions and were doing something on the computer. We were told that we were under arrest for the possesion of a controlled substance. Now when we were at my house he said he wasen't going to put me in the criminal datebase but how could they maintain a one strike policy if they didn't keep records...

    Anyway I'm really pissed about this and embarrased for my family to have to see it. I always assured my parents that I knew what I was doing as far as weed, and I wouldn't get caught. I know that they think I'm going to be a failure and I feel horrible. I can't sleep for my life which is why I'm up at 6am writing this.

    Now all my other friends, including the one I talked about in the first paragraph, arn't answering their phones. I called all of them around 11 so there's no reason they wouldn't have answered. I'm afraid he's been takin to the station. I feel so bad for him. We just wanted to help out a buddy, and we end up getting fucked in the ass. The law sucks, we weren't hurting anybody. All the time they spent on us should have been spent looking for the real criminal they were looking for...

    I think I'm done with pot. Or at least until I move out and have my own place.

    What a shitty night
  2. wow man, i feel for ya. but the shame of being brought home by the cops is a hell of a lot better than them treating you like you were 18. if they hadn't treated you like a minor they would have taken you down to the division and gotten you fingerprinted and written up for posession. so even though it sucks to be brought home by cops, still the better of the two possible outcomes.

    keep on toking! dont let this one fuck-up bring ya down! :smoking:

    but ya, damn those toronto cops are crafty
  3. Yeah I know I'm lucky they didn't take me into the station. That would have been a lot worse.

    Thing is, everyone else I know whos been caught just get off with warnings.
    It's true they could have been a lot worse but they could have been a lot nicer too.

    I think I'm gunna stick to indoor tokin or only places I know are safe.
    But I will toke on :smoking:
  4. In the park i normally chill at, there are plain clothed all over...

    This is in North part of Toronto. You see an elderly man (or any 1 person, getting extremly close to you) sit next to you, you'd better leave.
    Thats just my advice
  5. So true, last year I was in a grocery store with a buddy of mine and we started noticing this old lady following us everywhere. It might have been because we had backpacks on (we were on our way back from school) or because my bud happens to be black :/

    After we bought our stuff she comes up to us nd says "okay boys hand over the chocolate bars". We're like wtf. So we had to let them search our bags but luckily we had nothing so they let us go.
  6. So important.
  7. Yo man the cop did let you go. You were arrested, but not charged with any crime. You don't have a criminal record.
  8. Thats what great about living in Ontario. Years ago when I was a young dumb teen, we blazed in front of a courthouse. We didnt know what it was and then all of a sudden 2 cops are knocking at each door. They got our info took our little bit of weed and left us alone, they said they would call out parents but that never happend. Never been busted since, its been about 6 years;)
  9. Damn that sucks, but sounds like you're good to go.

    Keep tokin! :smoking:
  10. That really sucks man, sorry to hear that happened. But why would you go to a park to smoke? Everyone(including cops) know that parks attract everyone. Also your friend kinda is a douche for not saying he had 10gs on him. Normally in my group we have one friend carrying it and the others carrying the piece/papers. Just to make sure who needs to get away if cops roll up.

  11. Fuck that I got arrested once when I was 18 They brought me to the station I chilled there in a cell for a couple hours. Bailed myself out walked home and parents never new a thing.
  12. This happened in Canada? Always thought they were kinda lenient on the green up there, they sure the hell went out of there way to cause that whole stink, especially if they were supposed to be looking for someone else. They musta been pretty concerned, to take you all the way to your house and then talk to your parents, unheard of in my area. Probly thought you looked like a good kid, and maybe thought he could scare you straight. And looks like it kinda worked, if you're giving up the green.

    Also, was your buddy with all the dead relatives the one who had the 10 grams? If so, I don't think you should really blame him for carrying a stash around, sounds like he has a lot of shit on his plate. If it was another friend, then fuck him. As kids we all pitched in together to get our sacks so we''d get pretty pissed if one of our buddies were holding out on us when we didn't have much weed. You don't really think about it but when you're smoking someone out you are pretty much letting them burn your money to get high. If you're burning your money for them, while theyre stashing their own fat sacks, you are just being taken advantage of.

    Don't worry about the possession charges either, they aren't shit. I have 2 myself, less than a gram both times:(

    Hopefully the break from green will clear your head up a bit, get a little direction in your life. At 18 I was working a shitty labor job, hording money so I could get out of the parents house, at 19 I had my own apartment with my girlfriend, and life just got better after that. Don't let friends take advantage of you, and if they aren't answering your calls, ifnd some other guys to hang out with instead.

    Good luck with your situation.

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